Part 6

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Queen rarity came in to her son's room and yelled in his ear. "CHEESE WAKE UP!!!!!! YOUR BRIDE AND HER MOTHER WILL BE HERE IN AN HOUR!!!!!!!!!" She said very loudly almost puncturing his ear drums. "AHH" cheese yelled scared and fell off his bed with a thud. "Ow." Cheese said in pain and rubbed his throbbing head. "You know you didn't have to yell that loud!!! Especially in my ears!" Cheese said glaring at his mother. Queen rarity rolled her eyes and shrugged it off. "Now I want you to wear your crown, your ring and your tuxedo so hurry up I'm waiting for you!" She said in her accent and walked out of the room to get ready. " 'Hurry up I'm waiting for you'." Cheese said mimicking his mothers accent. "Yeah right." Cheese said getting ready. An hour later cheese and queen rarity was standing in front of the castle waiting for the princess and her mother to show up. "Here they come. Here they come. Get ready." Queen rarity said excitedly and demanded her son to 'get ready' even though he was standing right next to her not looking interested whatsoever. "Fine! Geeze!" Cheese said mumbling angrily. A few seconds later the horns began to play introducing the princess and the queen of manehattan. "Hello I'm the queen of manehattan and this is my daughter princess coco pommel." Said the queen of manehattan. She was a light pink mare with curly dark purple hair, brown eyes and a cutie mark of three buttons. Her hair was up in a bun type of style. She also had a blue ascot with white polka dots and a gold crown on her head. Right next to her was an off white yellowish mare with a short light blue mane and tail and eyes to go with them. She also had a red and purple flower clip in her mane, a red, white and purple ascot to go with the clip and a gold crown. She was chewing bubble gum and blowed a bubble and popped it with her teeth. " 'Sup people!?" (I know coco pommel doesn't really talk and act like that but I just don't like her so I made her like that.) she said in a manehattan accent and continued chewing her gum. "Where's my dress?" She asked in a rude tone. "Oh my. What a beautiful young lady you are. Can I get you some tea?" Said queen rarity unaware that the princess was very rude. "Why doesn't he get it for me!?" She said gesturing to cheese and tripped. "Oww my hoof." She said acting like a baby. "Oh you poor dear. Are you okay?" Said queen rarity. "Yeah I'm fine!" Said coco pommel and began to chitchat with queen rarity about fashion and stuff. "Oh I love your mane." Said queen rarity. "Yeah yours is pretty too but not as beautiful as mine." Said coco pommel and for the next few hours she and the queen continued to talk but it was time for the princess and her mother to go home now. "Anyway you're very handsome and that's what I really care about. Bye." Said coco pommel and she and her mother went home. "Oh wasn't she wonderful?" Said queen rarity. Cheese looked at her as if she just lost her mind. "Are you kidding me?" Cheese said. "Oh you two look so cute together. Now go upstairs and do whatever." Said queen rarity walking away. "Whatever" said cheese in a sigh. Cheese was in his room rambling on about that mare. "There is no way I'm marrying that little weirdo." He said " she was supposed to come here and talk to me not my mom." Cheese said and looked at the clock. "Oh it's 12 o'clock. It's time to meet her at my secret hideout." And snuck out. The queen was watching and dialed the phone. "Hello? Yes he just left." She said. Hi everyone here's the 6th part of my story. I'm going to be making the end of the story next week. So enjoy and let me know what you think. Peace out.

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