Part 3

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Cheese sandwich led the pink mare to the door and opened it. He turned on the lights and closed the door. "Here. Sit down and I'll get something to clean that up" Cheese said gesturing her towards a bench. "What is this place?" The mare said with fright in her voice. Although she was always like that in the mood she was in now. "It's my secret hideout. I come here to avoid my mother. She doesn't know about this place and I plan to keep it that way." Cheese Said. "Why?" The mare said. " because she makes me so mad when she decides things for me!" Cheese Said "you feel that way toward your parent too?" The mare said. Cheese looked at her in confusion. What did she mean by 'too'? "What do you mean by 'too'?" Cheese asked in confusion as he walked towards her with the alcohol and bandages and sat right next to her. "My father is like that too. He always thinks I'm crazy for deciding on my own decisions and...... He always beats me for it." She said starting off with anger and ending with sadness and looked like she was going to cry again. Cheese felt bad for the pink mare and wanted to help her. "he did this to you?" Cheese asked. The mare looked at him. "Yes." She said. "Why?" Cheese asked. "Well he told me that he arranged for me to marry a prince named prince pokey peirce or whatever. And I told him no and he just hit me with a whip."  She said on the verge of tears. "Hey it's okay. I'm here. I won't let someone as awful as your father hurt someone as beautiful and kind as you" cheese said and smiled at her. She looked at him and smiled back at him. "Well here you are. All better. I'm sorry it's not perfect but I try." Cheese said as he finished cleaning her wounds. "Thank you so much." She said as her hair poofed up. "whoa." Cheese said in amazement. She looked at him in confusion. "What?" She asked. "Your hair. It just poofed up." Cheese said. "Oh it just does that when I'm happy and it flattens when I'm sad and angry." She said. "That's cool." Cheese said and blushed. "Thank you." She said and blushed back. "You know I never got your name." Cheese said. " oh I'm sorry. My name is princess pinkamena Diane pie. But you can call me pinkie." She said. " my name is prince cheese sandwich. But call me cheese." He said " y-you have beautiful eyes. Not to be rude or anything. Their just amazing." he said stuttering and blushing like crazy  "hehe thanks. You too. I like that green. It's one of my favorite colors." She said "so why do you get angry at your mother if you don't mind me asking." She said. " oh no it's okay.  I got angry at her because she arranged for me to marry a princess named coco pommel or something." Cheese said "wow. She doesn't sound very nice." She said. "She's not. And she's annoying too." Cheese said. " I'm sorry for you. My father is the same." She said. She looked at the clock and started to freak out. "Oh no. I have to get back to my kingdom before my father finds out I'm gone." She said "here let me escort you out." Cheese said "thank you so much for being so kind." She said. "You're welcome. will I ever see you again?" Cheese asked. "Of course. If you want to visit my kingdom I live in the kingdom of nickerlite." She said "okay. Be careful. It's very windy outside." Cheese said with worry in his voice. "Okay. I will thank you. Bye." She said as she waved at him. "Bye" cheese said as he waved back at her and went back to his home. Pinkie pie was trying to trot back to her kingdom but it was too windy. The wind was blowing too strong and blowed her necklace off her neck. " oh no my necklace. Where is it?" She said as she tried to look for it but it was too windy she couldn't see where it was. "Well there's no time to look for it. I have to get back." She said. Unbeknownst to her that her necklace was right under the fruit wagon. Well that was part three of my story. Tell me what you think of it. I promise I will update next week. Peace out.

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