Part 5

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Once again cheese sandwich was on his balcony being very angry at his mother. "She's never going to get it. She just wants her own way for me." Cheese said. That was when he spotted something shiny under the food cart. "What's that? It looks like a necklace." Cheese said as he could barely see what he was looking at. He grabbed his keys to his room and unlocked the door and snuck out the castle. He looked under the cart and gasped as he saw pinkie pie's necklace. "It's pinkie's necklace. I got to return it to her." He said and quietly tiptoed over to his scooter and drove away. He finally made it to castle nickerlite but heard crying come from one of the rooms and looked up and saw pinkie pie crying from her window. "Pinkie pie" he called out. She looked down and saw cheese right in front of the castle doors. "Cheese what are doing here?" She said. "I brought back your necklace." Cheese said. "Okay I will be down in a minute." She said as she went down the stairs and came outside. " thank you so much for bringing me my necklace back" pinkie said as she put it back on her neck. "My father would have been furious if he saw me without it." She said. Cheese looked at her wondered why she was crying. "pinkie pie why were you crying?" Cheese asked her and she looked at him and sighed. "Wait. Is that a scar on your face?" Cheese asked. "Yes." Pinkie said. " did your father do this to you?" Cheese asked. Pinkie shook her head no. " oh cheese. Yesterday prince pokey peirce the stallion I'm supposed to marry. He's just like my father. He did this to me. When we were practicing for the wedding I made a mistake and he just scratched me with his horn. He's terrible and now I have to get married to him and it's not fair." She said while sobbing. "Hey calm down it'll be okay." Cheese said. " it's like you and my mother are the only ones who cares about me. While everyone else treats me like rubbish." She said. " well they better not because if they do I'm going to treat THEM like rubbish." Cheese said angrily. "Shh. Cheese please keep your voice down or the guards will hear you. They are really brutal." Pinkie said. " oops sorry. My bad." Cheese said pinkie just looked at him and giggled. " I have to get back inside before my father will see I'm not in my room and beat me again." Pinkie said. "Okay  come meet me tomorrow at twelve o'clock at my secret hideout. Bye." Cheese said. "Bye and thank you again for returning my necklace and I would love to. See you tomorrow." Pinkie said going back inside. "See you tomorrow." Cheese said right back at her and trotted back to his scooter and drove back home. When he came back home he quietly went inside hoping his mother was still asleep but unfortunately she wasn't and by the looks of it you could tell she was really angry. " cheese sandwich. What were you doing out so late." She said angrily. Cheese was nervous. "Umm. I was at the salt lick." Cheese lied but his mother wasn't convinced. "Who was that girl you were with?" She said suspiciously. "Just a friend." Cheese said. "You're not supposed to hang out with other girls when you are about to get married." She said very angry. "I can hangout with whoever I want. Cheese said madly at his mother. "If I ever see you with her again I'm calling the guards." She said threateningly. " you can't. She's a princess." Cheese said now very furious at his mother. "Princess or not I'm still calling the guards." She said threateningly again. " YOU'RE SO UNFAIR YOU UGLY WITCH!!!!!!" Cheese yelled and stomped up the stairs. The queen locked his door and called the guards. " hello there has been a series of trespassers in the kingdom lately and I would like all of you to be on the look out. Okay thank you. Bye." Queen rarity said hanging up on the phone and went upstairs to her bedroom. Okay everyone. This is chapter 5 of my story. I know it's a little crappy but I promise I'll do better next Wednesday. So in the meantime enjoy. Peace out.

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