06; (we've been) burned

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06; (we've been) burned

Stepping into the house, a wave of overcoming sadness washed over her, but she forced a smile as she respired, continuing to see all that had changed, which wasn't much.

"Scarlet, sweetie," John called from the upstairs bathroom, the water still running as it nearly filled the whole tub. "Come here, please."

She chased in, excitement radiating off of her, her blonde pigtails bouncing on her head with every movement. He had promised her a surprise earlier, and she was hoping this was it.

"Yes, Daddy?" She bounced on the heels of her tiny feet, dirty from playing outside with the neighbor's kids.

"Come sit in the tub."

She obliged, plopping her butt down in the water that was nearly rising up to her neck, and making her clothes float. She had started to giggle, and that made her father furious.

He wrung his powerful hands around her tiny neck, pressing together and pushing her down under the water.

The lack of oxygen was horrible, and every time she tried to let out a scream from the bottom of her gut, not even two pathetic bubbles rose above her eyes. She fought, and fought, but she was no use for the werewolf before her.

Her eyesight became blurry, her throat began to burn like fire at rested at the bottom of her trachea, and her head was pounding like someone had smashed mallets on her temples like she was a drum.

Just when all hope was lost, a scream finally erupted from her lungs, and she broke free from the grip, her upper body rising from the water as the hands had now been clutched to his ears. She gasped as the water launched around her.

"Water or soda?" Ashley drew Scarlet from her memory with a simple question. Scarlet's eyes immediately dropped down to the vampire's attire of a skin tight black dress that hugged every curve just right and that published her cleavage nicely.

"Water, please." The blonde sat down in a chair, admiring the brunette's sway of her perfect hips as she sashayed away with a smirk.

"Pig," Adam, Ashley's son, scoffed, sitting in the chair adjacent to Scarlet.

The blonde rolled her eyes. "I like the view. Why push me, Adam?"

"I liked the view from the Haynesberry cliff, why'd you push me, Grey?" He shot back bitterly.

"You can fly. Hell, you did fly." She got through chuckles. Scarlet smiled at the memory where she took it too far before she knew that he was, in anyway, related to the Greenes.

If she knew that he belonged to John, she would've hauled his step-father's ass down with him when she tossed him over.

"Funny, I once assumed you had a heart."

"Don't ever assume; it makes an ass out of you and me."

He got closer to the girl. "I don't see why you pretend to be dumb everywhere, but here."

She shrugged, trying to hide her utter distain. "Maybe, I want you to trust me and be my friend."

Hearing that statement, he got up and walked away, towards the kitchen to get away from Scarlet, to which she didn't mind too much.

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