02; half the battle

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02; learning is half the battle

"The liver," Scarlet repeated for confirmation, trying to gulped the bitter pill called shock. "She ate the liver?"

Stiles slapped the middle of his face with an open palm. "I didn't say she ate it, but it was stolen." He correct behind his hand. He stuttered, "So w-what if-if-if-if she did eat it? I-it has its nutritional values."

S kept her anger at bay, rolling her eyes at the boy's need to make her out to be perfect. With expectations like these, no wonder the girl hasn't gone mad. "I don't recall McCall having sudden urges to eat any part of the body."

Stiles shot back, "Oh yeah, because he's a real role model."

Scarlet resisted the urge to slam him into a locker, instead, making a sing song tone whilst everyone was actually mingling with others instead of watching her every move, but still being only quiet enough in case any wandering ears happened to perk up at the light mention of her voice.

"Stilinski, you underestimate my power to zap you into another millennium."

"W-well, there- there's that-" he stammered, basking his head in the faint light that poured onto his ugly head of hair.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll make a run for it." When she turned her head and saw both Danny and Jackson coming her way. "Or the guard dogs will bite."

With that, Stiles scampered off to his own devices whilst the boys each clamped a hand on her shoulder.

"You ready?" Danny broke the comfortable silence, mentally preparing all of them.

They nodded and Scarlet piped up with a strong question. "Where's Alison?"

Whispers and heinous tumors took their own lives from the front papers and danced around in the halls about her serial killer aunt. They only knew and cared about the fact that she killed people.

That's the problem; they can name the killer, but not the ones who were killed. Not three names of those who died or those who survived- which was exactly three.

Now only one remains.

Speaking of the devil, his text popped up on her phone screen.

Danny joked, draped an arm around his tiny friend's naked shoulder as Jackson had left to spend his free period lifting in the locker room. "Is that the boyfriend?"

"Yeah," she snorted. "Your's."

"If I had Miguel as my boyfriend, I wouldn't be here, right now. We'd be at his place-"

"Not my boyfriend," she interrupted the boy with a heart smashing smirk. "He can be your plaything if you weren't with Keith. If you want, we can switch."

"Funny," Keith mused, wrapping his arms around Danny's torso and lightly placing his head in the crook of Danny's neck. "I have yet to meet the boy toy that stole my boyfriend's heart."

"Although I don't exactly own a penis, but I'd like to think I'm just one the guys," Scarlet carried on, plopping down in my seat, which, coincidentally, happened to be in front of the love birds'.

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