.letter five.

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a few months later and i knew your secrets, and you had finally let me inside of your walls.

i admit, it was nice being inside of your walls.

i never knew what it was like, you know, to have a best friend i could tell all of my secrets to. 

to have a best friend that didn't make me feel all lonely. 

i'd also never had a friend who had secrets like yours. 

who had the problems you did.

who had a personality like yours.

who i could be comfortable with and they could be comfortable with me.

i remember the times we stayed up late at your house and watched netflix or youtube videos that your mom wouldn't like if she knew that we had watched them.

the things i like most about you, was how comfortable you were with telling me things that most other people would judge us for.

i liked how open you were with me.

how close you were with me.

you thought i always hated your clingyness, but no.

i liked it. (secretly)

the only thing i wish is that i could witness that clingyness again.

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