.letter eight.

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our goodbyes didn't last long.

after you had sent that message we had gotten back in touch with each other.

sometimes i think that getting back in touch wasn't the best of ideas.

sometimes i think that maybe missing you wouldn't hurt as much.

but let's be honest here, leaving you a second time had hurt just as much as the first time.

after you sent that message on twitter a few days later we had a fight about things.

sometimes i think the things you said were true.

and honestly i still think they are.

after the fight we didn't talk for maybe a month and a few weeks.

i had felt so invisible and i had felt empty.

i hadn't felt an emptiness like that in i don't know how long.

a few days later i went on facebook, and i thought we were done for good.

i had seen a conversation between you and your mom in the comments of a post you had made.

you said you weren't coming back for another hello.

i had moped around for the next few days until my family got suspicious and asked what was wrong.

i ended up telling my mom and she told my whole family.

everyone told me to forget you, but i think we both know that the friendship that we shared was like no other that you could just forget.

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