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Chloe has always been in love with beca. Since the very first day she'd seen her, she just knew. The way she looked that day at the activities fair, walking around aimlessly in her, alternative clothing, as Aubrey would put it, those headphones around her neck and her hair cascading perfectly down her shoulders. She had just been drawn to Beca. The same way that one may be drawn to doing something they know that they shouldn't. So when Aubrey somewhat rudely declined her suggestion to ask Beca to audition for the Bellas, it had only further prompted Chloe to hand her that flyer.

And when Chloe had heard that angelic voice singing "Titanium", it was as if the voice was so beautiful, so captivating, that it was pulling Chloe towards it.

So, after three years of flirting and winking and hinting, Chloe and Beca's friendship had took a turn in an unexpected direction. Only, neither of them were complaining.

It was after the Bellas had won worlds. Chloe had been in such a euphoric state, that when Beca ran up to her back stage, smiling ear to ear like an idiot, she didn't even get the chance to form two words, because Chloe had not-so-intentionally confessed her love for Beca. And to Chloe's surprise, Beca had returned the favor.

So now three years after worlds, in their cozy little shoebox apartment in LA, the two are currently celebrating their anniversary in a rather, "energetic" way..

"God." Chloe whimpers as she comes down off of her high that Beca had so generously brought on. She grips the sheets on either side of her so hard her knuckles flush white, and as her back loses it's arch and her breathing starts to slow, Beca flashes a devilish grin. "It's Beca, actually." She rolls off to the right of Chloe who is still on her back, eyes closed, mouth forming a breathy giggle as she turns to face the brunette. "Three years and I am still not tired of that." Beca smirks and if looks could kill, Chloe would surely drop dead in 2 seconds flat. "Oh yeah?" Chloe just grins and nods. "Yeah." Beca lets out a quick laugh in the form of a hum as she leans in to capture Chloe's lips in a chaste kiss, the redhead afterwards settling her head in the spot between Beca's shoulder and neck. "Happy anniversary Bec." Chloe presses her lips softly against the skin on Beca's neck. "Happy anniversary princess." The two stay in that position for what feels like hours, but is probably only a little over thirty minutes. Holding each other, letting their breathing patterns catch up to one another.

Much to Beca's deplore, Chloe places a quick kiss on her cheek before swinging her legs around to sit on the edge of the bed, back facing the brunette. Beca watches with lust filled eyes as red hair is brushed through with nimble fingers and back muscles flex and curve in all the right places. Once Chloe is satisfied with her messy bun, she stands and walks to their shared closet, taking out a pair of underwear and one of Beca's oversized t-shirts. Beca does the same, leaning over her girlfriend and smirks as she feels Chloe's body tense in the instant Beca's bare breasts come jnto contact with her back. Beca puts on her favorite blue flannel with a black tank top underneath, and a pair of fresh underwear.

Once both clothed, Chloe turns to the brunette and grabs her by the collar of her shirt, pulling her in for a soft kiss, sipping and just barely brushing Beca's lips against her own. "Come on. I'm making dinner." Beca follows the redhead into the kitchen, pushing herself up onto the island as Chloe searches for a pan in the cabinet across from her. "Babe, we have nothing to eat here. That's one of the reasons I made dinner reservations."
Chloe stands and turns around, one leg bent and her hand on her hip. "And we would have made it to those reservations had you been able to keep it in your pants instead of ripping my dress off the second I put it on." Beca smiles her big goofy smile. "Whoops." She says as the redhead is slowly walking toward the island, uncrossing Beca's legs so that she can settle herself in between them. "I guess I love you anyways." Chloe says looking up at Beca, shrugging and grinning at the same time. She pushes up onto her tip toes to give the brunette a soft kiss on the nose and walks back to their room and back out in about three minutes wearing skin tight jeans, black converse and a burnt yellow colored sweater. With her purse hanging over her shoulder, she grabs her keys from the counter next to the fridge and announces to Beca that she's going to the store to pick up some food. Just as she's turning the knob, she hears fast footsteps behind her before she's being spun around and is met with still swollen lips. Beca backs away, her arms snaking around to meet at the small of the redheads back. "I love you too." Chloe grins and then she's out the door.

Thirsty from their previous activities, Beca makes her way to the fridge in search of something to drink. It's not until she's putting the milk back that she notices her girlfriend's credit card still sitting on the counter. She quickly puts on a pair of leggings, credit card in hand, and makes her way out the door. Going at a light jog she makes her way down to Chloe's parking space when she sees it.

The love of her life, the woman she is so deeply, madly in love with, mascara starting to sink onto her cheeks, eyes screwed tight. She can hear muffled screams coming from the redhead, caused by the huge masculine hand that is covering her mouth. The other hand is holding Chloe's arms behind her back and shoving her into the trunk of a car. Beca's stomach drops and practically falls out of her ass. She pulls the loudest scream she can find out of the pit of her stomach and calls the redheads name.

Hearing this, Chloe's eyes shoot open and she jerks her body towards the voice, catching a glimpse of Beca running desperately towards her, only to be dragged back to her previous position.

And then she is on her stomach as she hears the loud slam of the trunk being closed.


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