I'll find you

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"Stop! Let her go!" Beca screams sprinting desperately towards the car. She is too far away though and she watches the man get in. As he is backing out she can make out the first few characters of the license plate. She follows the car for as long as she can, but it is too fast and she only keeps up with the man until he turns out of the parking lot.

She frantically runs back inside, her stomach churning at the fact the she had just witnessed the love of her life, being kidnapped and she couldn't save her. When she gets inside she immediately dials 911.

"Hi what is the nature of your emergency?"

"M-my girlfriend was just kidnapped please you have to help me I tried to follow him but I-I wasn't fast enough and he put her in the trunk and she was crying and I couldn't-"

"Ma'am. I need you to calm down so you can tell me anything that may help us find your girlfriend, okay?"

"Yes. Yea ok i'm sorry what do you need to know?" Beca says as calmly as she can because she thinks that yelling most likely won't help anything. She's pacing around the living room trying not to vomit, running a hand through her hair every five seconds trying to catch her breath.

"Well why don't you start off by telling me your girlfriend's name."

"Her name is Chloe Beale."

"Ok and do you think you can describe her appearance?"

"Yes. Sh- she has bright red hair and extremely blue eyes. She's about 5'2 and she was wearing a y-yellow sweater with jeans and converse."

"Ok. This is all very helpful Ma'am. Now did you get a good look at the man who took her?"

"I-I didn't really see his face but um, he was very large and really buff. He was wearing all black and h-he had a tattoo of maybe a dagger on his right arm? He was bald and had a huge silver watch on."

"Ok now can you try and describe the vehicle this man was driving?"

"It was a black car but I didn't see any kind of logo."

"Did you see his license plate?"

"Yes but only the first half before it was too far away. It was McB4."

"Ok. I've got a list of names here corresponding with the cars in LA starting with those 4 characters. I may be able to pull up a picture of your description but it could take a few hours."

"A few-" The brunettes lets out a hurried sigh. "No. I don't have a few hours he could be hurting her right now."

"I'm sorry Ma'am but that's the best I can do right now. I assure you we will do everything we can to find your girlfriend."

And Beca just hangs up because she can't process this right now. Just forty-five minutes ago Chloe was screaming her name, and only minutes later she was unable to scream at all. The brunette runs to their room, putting on a pair of combat boots, and quickly makes her way down to her own car and taking off in the direction Chloe had been taken.

Chloe is wide eyed and terrified being jerked around in the trunk due to her captor's extremely reckless driving. She is crying hysterically with a piece of tape on her mouth and around her hands. As she is looking around the trunk to see if she can find anything to cut the tape off, she hears her phone ring from the backseat, where the man had thrown it harshly from her hand. She knows instantly that it's Beca and when she hears that it has been answered, she rubs her mouth on the carpeted bottom of the trunk, hoping the tape will come off. Eventually her mouth is free and she screams as loud as humanly possible so that Beca might be able to hear her.


"Chloe! Chloe thank god I'm coming baby I'll find you I promise I-"

"Think again, babe."

And that's when Beca realizes that she can just barely hear the redhead screaming for her.

"Let her go. Let her go or I swear to God I'll-"

"You'll what? You'll never be able to find me. She's mine now."

That deep, raspy voice pours fire down Beca's spine and she thinks she could vomit any second now.

"I swear to God if you so much as breath in her direction I will fucking kill you. DO NOT. TOUCH HER."

"Oh, I plan to. You hear that?"
He holds the phone towards the back of the car and Beca can hear the redhead crying, screaming desperately.

"Beca! Beca I love you please he's gonna kill me Beca I need you to find me I-"

And she hears her phone beep on the other end and just like that Chloe's voice is ripped away from her ears. She dials the familiar number again. Nothing.
"Fuck." Beca scream-whispers through clenched teeth and jaws, slamming both hands into the steering wheel, tears staining her cheeks.

Chloe hears his sinister laugh as he hangs up the phone. "Please please don't do this! Just let me go! Please let me go!" Silence. She doesn't know how long the man has been driving, but she feels the car stop, her heart right along with it, and then the trunk is opening and she is met with an evil smirk and the orange glow of the evening in Los Angeles.

She whimpers as he pulls her out rather agressively. "Let me go please don't hurt me I-" She's cut off by an extremely large hand coming into contact with her cheek.
"Shut up bitch! Don't you dare speak."
Chloe flinches at the harsh 'D' in "dare". She is spun around and is being pushed every few seconds into what looks like some sort of warehouse and she makes note of the sign on the side of the building.

He brings her in through what she assumes is some sort of back door. With tears still pouring from her eyes, she tries her very best to make as little noise as possible. Then they're in a huge open room, with a staircase leading to what looks like an office. Soon enough Chloe gathers that she is being pushed toward the alleged office, and she can't help but sob harder. Her imagination is running wild with all of the things that could be in that room. And she feels as if she is suffocating because he had told her to be quiet, and she'd been succeeding until now. But her brain is on the brink of shutting down completely because, whose wouldn't be?

As they reach the top of the staircase Chloe is held terribly uncomfortable between the man's huge body and the door as he turns the knob, the hot breathe in her ear sending shock waves down her spine. She opens her eyes when she feels the door open, and if this was an office before, it surely is not any longer. Chloe breathing becomes panicked as she takes notice of the room. The walls faded an unpleasant shade of white, shaggy brown carpet with stains scattered about, and one bare twin sized mattress on the floor in the far lefthand corner.

So, when Chloe is being pushed toward the bed, she lets the sobs rip from her throat, chest bouncing up and down with each one. She is violently being thrown facedown onto the bed now. He finally release the tight hold he'd had on her wrists and arms. Chloe doesn't dare move once she lands.

"Make yourself at home, sweetheart."

Chloe can practically hear the develish grin on his face being formed. Then she hears footsteps and glances over her shoulder. She sees the door being slammed shut and the sound makes Chloe jump, enormous sobs being pulled from her in the instant that the loud BANG is sent through the room.

She crawls to the corner of the bed and settles in between where the two walls meet, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her forehead on them. With her eyes closed she whispers, "Please find me Beca." She feels her eyelids strain tighter together as she thinks of her girlfriend. "Please." She whispers again, tiny sobs threatening to leave her and soon enough they do because, God, how she wants, needs Beca's touch right now.

Author's note!
Ok so first, to the two people who read the first chapter and wanted me to update, thank you. I was just going to give up on this story but the fact that you liked something I wrote prompted me to write more. I hope you like this chapter. Secondly, I feel like my sentences are too long... sorry!xx

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