Chapter 6

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Authors note
Im not sure if I mentioned somewhere that this is meant to be a fairly short story. Im planning only 10 chapters.

Beca has been driving for about and hour and a half to get to the next closest warehouse. It's about 2:30 in the morning. The brunette thinks about Chloe and wonders what is happening to her, what already has, what could. She just wants her girlfriend home safe and to help her get through this. If Chloe ended up dead... Beca wouldn't be able to eat, wouldn't be able to sleep, move, wouldn't be able to breathe without her light.

Beca looks at her GPS and it's telling her to take the next left turn and then she's there. She grips the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turn white when the next left turn comes into view. She doesn't even break as she turns, anxious to find out if the man's car is there ir not. The warehouse then comes into view and she doesn't see his car in front.. she drives around back for good measure, but no luck.

At this point the stress and anxiety if not knowing where the redhead is or what is happening to her is too much for her tiny body to handle. She keeps the car running, slamming the door as she steps out to pace back and forth. Tears fall rapidly down her cheeks and she runs both hands through her hair.

Beca has never been one for losing her cool. She's Beca effin' Mitchell for christs sake. But right now she needs to hit something, hard. She contains herself though, because doing that means losing time in finding Chloe. So she settles for resting her elbows on the roof of the car, her forehead resting on the palms of her hands. She lets out a few needed deep breaths and stands up straight, using the back of her thumb to wipe away any mascara that may have fallen since She'd left the apartment. She gets back in the car and puts it in drive, ready as she'll ever be for another hour long car ride. Third time's a charm right?


Once Chloe gets her breathing under control and her sobs to become little intakes of air, she just sits, stares blankly at the wall. It's almost as if he's emptied her. There is hardly even a thought in the redhead's mind. The only one being about a certain DJ.

She's pulled from her thoughts for what is now the second time, when she sees the knob being turned. Her body tenses and she brings her knees back up to their previous position in front of her chest. 'Please not again.' He walks with a glass of water and sets it down next to the matress, looking down at Chloe. She desperately reaches for the refreshment, only to have her hand kicked away.

"Ah ah ah. You have to earn that sweetheart."

"W-what do you mean."

He squats down and scrunches his nose, "Well you're probably pretty tense right?  Thought you might need some release." The man tilts his head, faking the apologetic movement.

Chloe just stares blankly at him, terrified.

"So," he pulls the key to the hand cuffs out of his back pocket and unlocks them, giving the redhead's wrists an insane amount of relief. "Release for me." He motions his hands toward her centre and Chloe freezes.


"You know, touch yourself. Im waiting." He says coldly as he stands back up.

She lets a few tears fall. 'Could this get any more humiliating?'

"Please. Please don't make me."

"IM WAITING!" He screams, and Chloe lets out a sob at his harsh words, and then she decides she has no choice. She's doing what she's told and slinding her hand down where a waistband would normally be, extremely uncomfortable. Because she can't think of Beca right now, how could she? Being watched by some maniac? No way in hell.

"Look at me when you do it."

The redhead swallows and looks up at him through half-lidded glassy eyes, humiliated entirely.

"Good girl." He says with a grin like that of Satin himself. And when Chloe sees him start to move his hand toward his own waistband while watching her, she is once again forced to hold back her vomit.

When she's done she opens her eyes to the man pulling out the key and handcuffs again. She looks anywhere but at his face as he gets close enough to put them back on her irritated wrists.

"Now hydrate. Tomorrow is going to be really fun."

Chloe feels an icy heat shoot down her spine at his words. The thought of going through again what she had not just 2 hours ago, has her stomach doing summersalts. And not in the good, Beca kind of way. She tries one last desperate attempt at begging.

"P-please just let me go. I don't understand why you're doing this to me. I-I have a life. I can't stay here."

"Oh sure you can! It won't hurt as much after a while." The man says, like it's nothing, like he's experienced, waving his hand over his shoulder as he walks toward the door. He turns around when he gets there though, leaning against the frame.

"Oh and uh, that 'life' you mentioned, you can forget about that. You're mine now sweetheart, so you better get used to it. Sleep tight." And with a flick of his finger the lights are out and he's gone, leaving a horrified Chloe Beale behind him in a room that is now filled only with the sound of sobs.

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