Chapter 4

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Beca is anxiously flying down the highway, probably speeding but she doesn't care to check. She just wants to bring Chloe back home safely.

She is headed to the warehouse that is closest, in hopes that the kidnapper hadn't gone any farther. The chances that Chloe's captor is even at one of these warehouses at best potential, Beca knows that. It could just be his car there. But if there is any sliver of a chance of her being able to find Chloe, she's sure as hell going to take it.

She's about 15 minutes away when she realizes she hasn't even got a plan for when she arrives. To just show up? Yell the redhead's name? That probably wouldn't cut it. She remembers that she has a crowbar in her trunk and thinks that would serve as a sufficient weapon.

'Please let her be here. Please don't let her be hurt. Please just let me take her home so I can hold her.'


Chloe is still sat in the corner of the matress, forehead rested on her knees while both arms are wrapped around them, trying to get her sobs under control. She thinks about the brunette and knows that Beca is desperately trying to find her. Chloe knows she will. Knows Beca wouldn't rest until she did. She just hopes Beca finds her before it's too late.

She is ripped from her thoughts as her head shoots up toward the door when she hears the knob turning. When he walks in with a devilish grin on his face and a pair of handcuffs in one hand, Chloe's stomach drops and her breathe catches in her throat. She tries to back up, but its to no avail.

"N-no please don't hurt me p-please just let me go."

"Why do they always beg like that?" He scrunches his nose, letting out a huff of a laugh at the end while looking at the pair of handcuffs he is repetively pulling up through his thumb and pointer finger, inching closer as slow as possible.

When he finally reaches the bed, he squats next to where Chloe sits, resting his body on his heels. The redhead's eyes are anywhere but on him. When she sees his arm start moving toward her she squeezes her eyes shut, holding her breathe when she feels rough fingers brush over the shell of her ear as they remove stray strands of hair out of the way of her face.

"How about lying down for me babe?"

And Chloe freezes because it has now become extremely clear what his intentions are, and she thinks she might puke.

"I said LAY DOWN."

The redhead lets out a surprised whimper-slash-sob at how harsh the words sound, and then her body is a few steps in front of her brain and she's doing what she's been told to do and is sliding down to lie on her back. Her hands lay limply at her side as he moves his knees to strattle either side of her. Her eyes trail down the length of his body and she thinks that he is so muscular he could probably kill her with one hand. And then Chloe feels one of her own being lifted above her head, followed by the other, and everything she had been trying to hold in comes pouring out in an instant.

"No! Please don't do this to me! Just let me go!" She screams. He mocks her words in a high-pitched, much more exaggerated tone.

"STOP TALKING. Or i'll fuck you until you bleed."

And that shuts the redhead right up. She sobs harder than she ever has, she thinks, when she feels her shirt being pulled over her head followed by her bra. And god, the way he is staring at her bare chest right now, kind of like the way a lion would stare at lamb, makes Chloe feel a large lump in her stomach and she actually has to swallow to hold back the vomit threatening to leave her.

Next he's unbuttoning her pants and her muffled screams against his hand do nothing but make the redhead more tired. Lastly he pulls down her underwear and she's lying entirely bare beneath him sobbing rapidly into his hand, which suddenly uncovers her mouth but his thumb and the rest of his fingers squeeze uncomfortably tight around it. The muscles there jump and tighten at the strong grip.

"When i'm done with you, you won't even remember how to walk."

He jerks her head to the side when he says 'walk' and then he's moving the same hand to unbutton his own pants.

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