Chapter 3

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Authors note
I'm just going to label the chapters by number from now on. Creative titles are hard! Also, my plan is for Beca to find Chloe and help her eventually heal for about the last 3 chapters maybe even sooner because it would be really sucky if there was no fluff after the kidnapping right? This chapter is going to be a bit short.

Beca has never really been one to show much emotion. If she gets emotional in any way, she tries her best to hide it. That's just Beca, it's in her DNA. Not to say that she hasn't grown in the last seven years, because that would be a complete lie. Each of the Bellas had chipped away her walls brick by brick, one by one, person by person.

But Chloe was different. She'd had high powered machinery, while the rest of the Bellas had some hammers and a few nails. Chloe had been about six bricks ahead of everyone else, and that's why Beca is so much more vulnerable with Chloe. About Chloe. The redhead is her light. That's how Beca likes to think of her.

Chloe Beale is basically the human form of the sun. Her firey hair and those peircing blue pools and her caring, adorable charm, the way she could make anyone feel better with just a few words or the right placement of her hand. She is very outgoing and tends to trust people too early and feel too much. And this is something that has made her fragile from a young age. Chloe Beale should never be harmed or yelled at.

So Beca sits pulled over on the highway, an emotional wreck, thinking of Chloe and how she very well could be getting harmed or yelled at. Her forehead resting atop the steering wheel, tears spilling from her eyes and dripping down onto her thighs. She is trying to think of a way, any way she could possibly reach her girlfriend. She remembers that it's been a while since she last talked to the police station about Chloe's kidnapper and quickly pulls out her phone.

"Hi this is Beca Mitchell, I called you earlier about my girlfriend Chloe Beale, she was kidnapped?"

"Yes ma'am I remember. I was just about to call you actually. We found a liscense plate that belongs to a man who looks almost identical to what you described."

"W-well that's great! Do you know where he is?" Beca asks, anxious to know.

"We're not sure where he himself is, but we have been tracking his car and it hasn't moved for about two hours. We're hoping he didn't ditch the car."

"Well where's the damn car?" Beca practically screams, entirely over waiting any longer to find Chloe.

"The car is located at what looks like some kind of warehouse in Torrance. We don't know the exact name of the company yet but we are still searching. Now ma'am I really think it would be best if you wait for our team to get there. It may not be safe for you to go alo-"

Beca hangs up the phone immediately and google searches, 'Torrance, CA warehouses'. She realizes it may have been quite rude to hang up on the man, who is only trying to help her. She is also quite nervous that she is taking matters into her own hands because, that man had been big. But all of that aside she doesn't even have a second thought about this because she just got about ten steps closer to finding the love of her life.

The girl she had planned to propose to tonight..

When Chloe had said she was going to the store, Beca had found the perfect opportunity. She was going to surprise the redhead when she got home. Dress nice, light candles, lay out rose pedals, the whole nine yards. She'd bought the ring some time in April, and had been looking for the right time since then.

So when she taps the screen to find that there are only four warehouses in Torrance, Beca immediately puts the key in the ignition and steps on the gas because, maybe she'll be able to marry Chloe after all.

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