Chapter 10

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Authors note
Last Chapter! Thanks to the people who read it. It was probably lame compared to what you've read before but it is my first fic and I'm proud of it. This chapter will be split up a lot.

"Shit Chloe," Beca lets out a breathy cry as she bites down onto Chloe's shoulder to muffle any sounds she might make while riding out her second climax this morning. The feel of the redhead's fingers inside of her, and the feel of Chloe's lips showing no mercy against her neck added, Beca thinks she might explode. Because she hadn't even been able to get a "Good Morning" out when she'd woken up. She'd kissed her girlfriend's nose to wake her, and as lethal blue orbs had fluttered open in front of her she was met with a lust-filled grin and was soon being stripped of her clothing- only, she's not complaining.

Chloe rolls off to the left of Beca, turning on her side to face her with her head proped on her hand.

"Jesus Chlo are you trying to kill me?" Beca asks, breathless and high-pitched. Chloe just chuckles and rolls onto her stomach, lazily draping an arm over Beca's and resting her head on the brunette's shoulder. Her pointer finger traces abstract patterns across toned muscles brought on by rigorous Bella rehearsels.

"I love you Becs. I'm so glad I'm back home. You've helped me so much, especially four months ago. I wouldn't have made it through that if it weren't for you." Beca turns on her side to face Chloe, who stays on her stomach but looks up at the brunette with a small smile. "I love tou too Princess," she says in a surprised tone because of the sudden decalration. She brings a hand up to rub the redhead's back. "And I will always be here for you. No matter what." They smile widely at each other before Chloe leans upward for a short kiss and then rolls in the opposite direction to check her phone. She sees that it's 8:30 so she gets up and starts to put on some comfy clothes, but is stopped once Beca realizes what her girlfriend is doing.

"Actually Chlo.. we should probably go shower. I have something planned today. And uhm.. pack a bag to stay overnight somewhere."

Chloe turns and bends one knee, putting her hand on the opposite hip and cocks her head to the side, grinning skeptically. "Beca Mitchell. What are you up to?"

"Guess you'll just have to wait, babe." Beca's eyes become wide as she presses her lips together and rolls them inward, grinning as she gets up and runs to the bathroom. She hears Chloe giggle behind her and then the fast sound of footsteps before the redhead's arms are wrapping around her body from behind and she feels warm breath in her her. She's giggling in Chloe's arms until she hears, "How much time do we have Becs?" It's seductive, husky and low, and it makes the brunette wobbly in the knees. Her eyelids drift shut as she feels Chloe's breath move downward to her neck, and then a swollen pair of lips are attaching themselves to the skin there. "Probably like- like and hour- shit Chlo," the sentence ends in a huff of air as she feels a pair of hands cup her breasts without warning. Chloe moves back up to the brunette's ear, her voice a sultry whisper. "That's perfect." She grabs one of Beca's hands in her own and starts toward the shower, grinning over her shoulder at her flustered girlfriend.


"Ok. All ready?" Beca asks, her bag in hand as she stands in the doorway of their room watching the redhead zip her own closed. "Mhm." Chloe flashes a small smile as she slings the bag over her shoulder. She pads over to Beca so that they're standing under the doorway. She wraps her arms around the brunettes neck and grins. "Would you just tell me where we're going?" Beca's laugh comes out as a hum as she leans in to kiss the redhead slowly. She backs away and boops Chloe's nose. "Nope." The stresses the "N" as she turns to walk out of the doorway, turning back to find a pouting Chloe behind her still in the door. "Come on or we'll be late." She motions her head toward the door, keeping her eyes on her girlfriend. She grins as Chloe walks past her with a pointed finger. "This better be good, Mitchell." She follows the redhead out to the car walking behind her, and takes a deep breath quiet enough so that Chloe won't hear her as she slips a hand into her pocket to fumble with the velvet covered box.

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