january 31st, 2016 (pt. 2)

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new chat with: linds 🔫

🌟 geebear 🌙: lindsey

linds 🔫: whats up baby cakes

🌟 geebear 🌙: you never told me frank had a crush on a girl

linds 🔫: omg he does????

🌟 geebear 🌙: yes!!! wtf???

linds 🔫: i didnt even know. i totally thought he was gay 4 u

🌟 geebear 🌙: well he's not. he basically lied about being gay to me

linds 🔫: rlly???

🌟 geebear 🌙: i mean... basically....

🌟 geebear 🌙: technically

linds 🔫: right.

linds 🔫: do you want me to ask him about it???

🌟 geebear 🌙: no!!! not rn. wait till tomorrow somethin, so he doesn't get suspicious

linds 🔫: ok fair enough

🌟 geebear 🌙: shit man i have to say i was sort of excited

linds 🔫: 😏😏😏 oooo

🌟 geebear 🌙: well i mean hes ok...

linds 🔫: 😍😍😍 OOOOOO

🌟 geebear 🌙: shut up lindsey

linds 🔫: somebodies got a cruuushhh

🌟 geebear 🌙: no i dont. especially not now since he likes some bitch jamia

linds 🔫: yo dont hate on her its not her fault frank doesnt like u

🌟 geebear 🌙: okay 1. yes it is 2. what the fuck lindsey that is not a way to console someone

linds 🔫: okay chill bro. stop overreacting

🌟 geebear 🌙: fuck u im gonna go talk to someone else since u obviously dont care

linds 🔫: text me when youve calmed down enough to not be an asshole, sweetie ;)

🌟 geebear 🌙: literallyyyyy fuck u, honeybuns

mute 🌟 geebear 🌙 for 1 hour?


🌟 geebear 🌙 has been muted for one hour


new chat with Ray of ☀️

🌟 geebear 🌙: ray

Ray of ☀️: Hi Gerard!

🌟 geebear 🌙: so you know that boy i've been talking about

Ray of ☀️: Yeah, that Frank kid or whatever?

🌟 geebear 🌙: yeah him

🌟 geebear 🌙: guess what

Ray of ☀️: What, dude?

🌟 geebear 🌙: he has a crUSH ON A GIRL???

Ray of ☀️: OMG!!! Really? No way!

🌟 geebear 🌙: ikr!! like wtf??? and he claimed to be gay earlier but now he has a crush on some byatch named jamia

Ray of ☀️: Aw, Gerard. I'm sorry... I know how much you liked him.

🌟 geebear 🌙: yeah, i dunno ray. i just got really excited

🌟 geebear 🌙: also i attacked lindsey and i think she muted me

Ray of ☀️: Wait, like, attacked her? Physically?

🌟 geebear 🌙: no silly. like i basically told her she was bad at comforting people and told her to fuck off

Ray of ☀️: Wait, what exactly did you say?

🌟 geebear 🌙: *image sent*

Ray of ☀️: Oh. That's not very good Gerard.

🌟 geebear 🌙: i know i know. idk my life suddenly went from rad to bad

Ray of ☀️: Hey that rhymed!!!

🌟 geebear 🌙: youre such a cutie patootie ray

Ray of ☀️: Aw, thank you Gerard

🌟 geebear 🌙: see and you dont even need to say bullshit like "no homo" because you're not so self conscious and nervous about being gay that you need to say it

🌟 geebear 🌙: speaking of not beinv gay how's christa doing??

Ray of ☀️: She's super! I think I might be in love.

🌟 geebear 🌙: u r srsly too precious i ship it so hard

Ray of ☀️: Is that a good thing?

🌟 geebear 🌙: yes lol

🌟 geebear 🌙: thank you for helping me calm down ray. hes just a stupid boy, right

Ray of ☀️: Exactly. No need to stress.

Ray of ☀️: Hey, how's Mikey? Haven't heard from him in a while.

🌟 geebear 🌙: he's doin rlly good. his grades r getting better

Ray of ☀️: That's awesome. Hey, I gotta go Gerard. I'll talk to you later, okay?

🌟 geebear 🌙: okay bye ray

Ray of ☀️: And don't worry about Frank or whatever, for now. Take a break, stay safe. Sleep.

🌟 geebear 🌙: yes mother.

Ray of ☀️: Bye Gerard

🌟 geebear 🌙: bye ray

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