january 24th, 2016

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frnk 🍆: hi again

🌟 geebear 🌙: wtf ur back

frnk 🍆: yeah sorry my mom took my phone away because i wasnt doing my homework

🌟 geebear 🌙: ooooh. i thought you were mad at me

frnk 🍆: oh haha no. why, should i be??

🌟 geebear 🌙: psshhh naaahh

frnk 🍆: im makin a funny face at my phone rn

🌟 geebear 🌙: omg wish i could see

frnk 🍆:

🌟 geebear 🌙: dude owah ur face

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🌟 geebear 🌙: dude owah ur face

frnk 🍆: oooh. yeah idk i look like a trashcan srry

🌟 geebear 🌙: no omg ur rlly cute

frnk 🍆: awww thx

🌟 geebear 🌙: ye

frnk 🍆: ok but can i see ur face

🌟 geebear 🌙:

frnk 🍆: !!!!!!!!!!!

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frnk 🍆: !!!!!!!!!!!

🌟 geebear 🌙: lol wut

frnk 🍆:10/10 genetics right there

🌟 geebear 🌙: is that a compliment

frnk 🍆: yE

🌟 geebear 🌙: oh well in that case thank u

frnk 🍆: i should be the one thanking u for gracing the earth with ur presence

🌟 geebear 🌙: geez wow

frnk 🍆: srry was that overboard

🌟 geebear 🌙: no no pls, do continue


🌟 geebear 🌙: ok but....

🌟 geebear 🌙: am i prettier than david bowie

frnk 🍆: no sorry dude

🌟 geebear 🌙: dammit. one day. ONE DAY

🌟 geebear 🌙: although honestly nobody can ever be as pretty as he was

frnk 🍆: geez man to soon for past tense

🌟 geebear 🌙: its a coping mechanism bro

frnk 🍆: fuck now im all sad

🌟 geebear 🌙: same tell me something funny

frnk 🍆: i sprained my rist yesterday

frnk 🍆: *wrist

🌟 geebear 🌙: OMG WHAT HOW

frnk 🍆: i was bored bcs i didnt have my phone so i decided to go down the stairs in a laundry basket.... long story short i crashed and sprained my wrist

🌟 geebear 🌙: dude oh my god thats hilarious

frnk 🍆: yeah thats why its taking me extra long to type

frnk 🍆: its also why i have my phone back so early my mom didnt want me getting hurt more

🌟 geebear 🌙: thats fair tbh

frnk 🍆: was that funny enough

🌟 geebear 🌙: yes omg totally

frnk 🍆: good. im glad my physical pain can grant someone happiness

🌟 geebear 🌙: well when ya put it that way

frnk 🍆: XD

🌟 geebear 🌙: not that shit again

frnk 🍆: sorry. "LOL" is that better

🌟 geebear 🌙: now you seem like a white suburban mom on facebook

frnk 🍆: i am

🌟 geebear 🌙: ew get away from me

🌟 geebear 🌙: srsly tho i have to go pick up my brother from school byyyeee

frnk 🍆: bye dude

🌟 geebear 🌙: 😘

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