february 15th 2016

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linds 🔫: gerard

linds 🔫: jesus christ

linds 🔫: GERARD

linds 🔫: fine since you aren't going to respond, i'm going to text you and pretend like youre texting back because i think i know you well enough to know what you would say.

linds 🔫: you're a lucky bastard

linds 🔫: lucky that i was the only one who saw what went on

linds 🔫: and that seb was too drunk to notice

linds 🔫: alright, here we go

linds 🔫: what you did last night...

linds 🔫: well, i'm assuming you remember that after your mom left, we brought out the beer

linds 🔫: we drank for a little bit, you were mostly fine, just chilling and having a good time. it's all good so far.

linds 🔫: i could tell after a while that frank's ignorance of you was getting on your nerves, so of course you had to whip out truth or dare

linds 🔫: because when has that ever gone wrong, hm?

linds 🔫: i mean we were all for it really, except for christa. she was the only one who hadn't drank more that one beer.

linds 🔫: at this point, you brought out the vodka, because we decided that if you couldnt answer a truth, or a dare, you had to take a drink.

linds 🔫: long story short, everybody got drunk off their asses, and you excused yourself to the bathroom

linds 🔫: frank for some god awful reason decided to follow you

linds 🔫: you guys had been gone for a while, and almost everybody had left by then, except for jamia who was waiting for frank. nobody noticed you were gone except me. i decided to follow you

linds 🔫: i walked into the bathroom to find you guys...

linds 🔫: making out

linds 🔫: really intensely.

linds 🔫: it was actually kind of gross

linds 🔫: anyways, when you guys heard me come in, you jumped away immediately

linds 🔫: i dont think frank had quite understood what he was doing because when he realized it, i could tell he didn't like what he had just done

linds 🔫: i dont think i've ever seen frank more disgusted in my life...

linds 🔫: at this point

linds 🔫: i dont blame him

linds 🔫: i come to find out you weren't even drunk??? you got everybody else drunk, including frank, so that you could make a move on him!

linds 🔫: you were drinking fucking water for christ's sake

linds 🔫: you cheated on your boyfriend, who i must add, does not deserve you,

linds 🔫: and you took advantage of frank. who has a girlfriend.

linds 🔫: just thought i'd remind you of what you did before i cut off all ties with you

linds 🔫: block my kik and number

linds 🔫: dont talk to me at school

linds 🔫: dont talk to me ever again

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