Chapter 3

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~There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.~

Sarah Dessen

"Mel. We have something to tell you." Shawn stated nervously.

Onto the story......

Melanie Pov~

At the tone of Shawn's voice I started to get anxious. Uh-oh, he caught me! I didn't mean to do it. It just happened.

I kept my eyes fixated at the stars above me, not moving a muscle. Biting my lip, trying not to spill my secret. Maybe that's not what he has to tell me! Maybe it's something else..... panic started rising in my chest.

"Mel you okay?" Oliver asked as I felt his gaze on me.

I shot up and looked at the both of them confessing my bad deed "Okay. Stop pestering me! I did it! I'm the one who took your cookie from the kitchen, but in my defense I didn't know it was yours." I blurted out with a sorry look written on my face.

It took a few moments before they both busted out laughing. They both sat up in a sitting position like I was in.

I gave them both confused looks as their laughter started to die down.

"First of all we knew you were the one whole stole the cookie because you still had cookie crumbs on your face." Oliver started off.

"Oh" I murmured, with a blush on my face.

"But that's not what we wanted to talk to you about." Shawn said.

"We might have gotten some news about Gage. Meet us in the meeting room." Aiden mindlinked us.

I looked at the guys expectantly.

"Later." Oliver said with a small smile.

I nodded and sprang to my feet, while the guys did the same. We walked the path we took the get here. When we walked into the meeting room everyone was standing around the table hovering over something.

"What's going on?" I asked walking over to the unknown object that was being hidden by bodies.

"There is someone we are on the phone with." Rosie whispered over to me.

I nodded and took a seat on the other side of the table gaining view of the phone in the middle while Alpha Blake was talking.

"Alpha are you there?" Alpha Blake asked.

"Yes." The voice I knew answered back.

"Think about my offer and I will call you back to get the confirmation tomorrow. Goodnight Alpha Danvers." Alpha Blake said and hung up the phone.

"What did my dad say?" I asked.

"I asked for his assistance in finding information about Gage. In return I don't kill his daughter." Alpha Blake says smirking.

"Well played Alpha." I said smiling.

"Mel you spent 2 years with this guy. Are you sure you don't know any close friends he must have had or a special place he likes to go to?" Aiden asked.

"He didn't have any friends. If he did I never met them and as for a special place, he never shared those things with me." I said in all honesty.

Gage was always a loner. He looked perfectly normal on the outside but on the inside he was an evil, coniving person. He was always drawn to the dark side, like he had no control over it.

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