Chapter 5

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~Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you'd been before the fall.~

Jodi Picoult

Melanie Pov~
I knew once I walked through those doors, I am going to be bombarded with questions from here to Africa.
Aiden is a very stubborn man, which I have come to find out over the past few months.

He doesn't give up, he wants to know something he will not stop until he finds out.

But I don't know if i'm ready for everyone to know. I haven't even talked to my own mates about being mates yet.

If I'm fortunate maybe he might be too busy tormenting Gage, and forget about me.

Gage... I can't believe they found him that fast and that easily.

I still have a funny feeling in my stomach. There is something definitely going on. Maybe Alpha Blake will break him. Actually let me rephrase that, everyone is scared of Alpha Blake. So I know he will break him.

Which I can not wait for.

This is the same man who had me under his hypnotizing control for 2 years. 2 years I wasted and threw away because of that monster.

I didn't have a choice, but I knew that he had gotten so deep, he had twisted my mind so much, made me so afraid of him. That I knew I could never leave him.

I tried many times to run away, but it was as if he had a hold on me, even if he wasn't in my presence. All I heard was his antagonizing threats in my head, everytime those thoughts of leaving would run through my mind.

I was lost.... until Sage brought me here.

Oliver who sat next to me in the back seat of the car, wiped away a tear on my face I didn't even know I had. Shawn was driving home. And let me just say he wasn't taking his precious time.

Oliver sat on the right side window, and I sat on the left side window. I know they are trying to give me my space, but right now I didn't really care about space. I just needed some comfort and who better to receive it from than your mate.

I scooted closer to Oliver and rested my head on his shoulder. He seemed to get the idea when he wrapped his big arms around me, as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

I sighed slightly in content. The whole ride home, I was figuring out ways to tell Aiden that we I have two mates. But nothing good popped into mind.

Then I saw the big castle come into view. Deciding to just leave it up to fate, I stretched my arms and got out of the car, when Shawn pulled into the enormous garage, that had about 8 levels. We walked to the elevator and took it down to the main entrance.

Once it opened, we walked out and into the huge double doors, smiling a little at the guards.

"Finally your home! We have to talk." Aria chirped with a smile as she grabbed me by the shoulders, about to lead me somewhere.

"Alpha Aria I actually have to talk to Shawn and Oliver about some...things...uh, I can talk to you after." I murmured.

She looked between me and the two boys standing behind me. She nodded and said to mindlink her when I'm done. Then she added that Aiden was looking for me, but she said she will keep him busy.

"Garden?" I asked the boys. They nodded a yes and we made our trek down to the gardens.

We walked as far away as possible, secluding ourselves from everyone else. At this point we didn't want the entire pack to know.

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