Chapter 7

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Doing the tough things sets winners apart from losers.

~Stephen Richards~


Down in the cellars- 3rd person Pov

Shawn and Oliver walked into the cellars seeing Gage tied up to the chair. He looked defeated.

Gage looked at the two men infront of him, and as if he knew instantly that these were the half brothers he has been looking for these past 2 years.

Gage noticed the murderous look on one of the guys face, and the other ones face was expressionless. Gage looked nothing like these guys, except the height, he looked like his father so he guessed these men got their looks from their mother.

"Listen. None of this is my fault." Gage said trying to save his own ass.

"Then who's is it?" Shawn asked nonchalantly.

"Gage I would shut up and listen to them, before they break you even worst than I did." Aiden said butting in.

Gage sighed and rolled his eyes.

"How do we get in contact with your father?" Oliver asked in a monotone voice, arms crossed on his chest.

"He's your father too. And all you have to do is call him. I think your stupendous Alpha over here should have that information." Gage said sarcastically with a smile.

"I'm not an Alpha yet. Times up boys, we must go. Gage I will figure out what to do with your corpse when I get back from school." Aiden said with a smile shot to Gage. He walked out with Shawn and Oliver locking the cell door behind them.

"I will have my dad make the call to his Alpha and we will figure all of this out. Don't worry." Aiden said with a small reassuring smile.

They both nodded and head back to the dining room for breakfast. They only had about 10 minutes left to eat.

Melanie Pov~

"...what better way to party in the rain." Lucas scoffed as he finished his breakfast. We were talking about..well there was no specific topic it was all just random. But fun nontheless.

"I think I had enough of this. I will see you kids later. Love you all." Alpha Blake said with a smile as he kissed Rosie's head who was sitting next to him, then got up and left. Probably off to do his Alpha duties. Alpha Aria had skipped off with Aunt Bella earlier, they seemed pretty giddy so I have no idea what they are up too.

"Bye dad." Was heard around the table. I of course said bye Alpha. From a distance I saw the doors to the dining room open and my head snapped to that direction.

"Dang Mel. did you get whiplash?" Jackie said smirking. I rolled my eyes at her and stuck my tongue out playfully. I saw Shawn, Aiden and Oliver walking over to us. By the look on their faces I sensed something went wrong down in the cellars.

"You guys okay." I whispered over to Shawn as he plopped down next to me huffing, rubbing his hands on his knees. Oliver sat next to him, looking down not even moving.

Shawn shook his head "No" and started to eat. Oliver just stayed frozen, he seemed to be in deep thought.
Aiden sat down next to Ariel with a small smile playing on his lips. We all looked at him like "What the hell happened" but he just simply said "Later."

For the past 2 or 3 months I have been here, I have never seen Oliver nor Shawn so gloomy, and down. Even if they had a bad day they always seemed to push through it. But now, it was like they just received their death wishes on a silver platter.

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