Chapter 9

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Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson


Melanie Pov~
As I walk out the elevator I am thankful I took that fast 5 minute shower. My guards/mates walk with me to the meeting room. When we walk in we are met with Elder Romeo and Julius, with Alpha Blake and Aria, and Aiden? What is he doing here?

I gave him a confused loom as I walk over to the table.

"Goodmorning Melanie. So nice to finally meet you." Elder Romeo says with a smile.

"You too." I said.

"What are you doing here?" I mindlinked Aiden.

"Come on Mel. You couldn't hide this from me. I knew the day after you did." He mindlinked back.

I glanced at him and saw he was smirking.

I focused my attention on the people in front of me.

"Today we have brought you some news and information regarding your current situation." Elder Romeo began. Elder Julius continued.

"What we are about to tell you is very important so keep up." Elder Julius paused seeing if we were ready, once satisfied he continued. I took a deep breathe and prepared my self for what is about to be said.

"In the Middle Ages the werewolves were ruled by a family bloodline called The Royals. They ruled for 700 years, each generation took the throne, similar to today when the Alpha steps down for their Eldest son to take the position. The next heir for the throne was Nicoletta Danvers. She had to pick one wolf of high rank to be her husband and King of werewolves, well she feel in love with two men." Julius explained.

"Yes, and then they had to kill her and her two lovers because it was forbidden. We know this already Elder." Alpha Blake says.

"Yes but before she died, there was no more heirs to take the throne. She was the only child, so that's when the Royal bloodline ended leading the werewolves worldwide. A little bit after that the use of Alphas and Luna's started." Julius answered.

"The Octibutary brought out that the Royal Bloodline would come about again. It obviously hasn't, up until a couple days again when Melanie found her mates." Romeo said.

"So what does that mean? What happens now?" I asked.

"Well from what we deciphered you will be the Guardian of Werewolves and Vampires worldwide." Romeo answered with a smile. I gave him a confused look.

"Okay 2 questions. She's gonna be a Guardian? Like uncle Henry? And 2, why vampires?" Aiden asked. It's like he read my mind.

"Oh we missed the best part Romeo." Julius said nudging Romeo before continuing. "Nicoletta's father who was King at the time married a vampire. So Nicoletta was both vampire and werewolf. She had a baby right before she died, so that baby was raised by Nicoletta's father."

"Why didn't the child become the next heir to the throne?" Oliver asked.

"It was a baby still. By the time it was old enough they had already come up with the Alpha and Luna agreement. Anyways they baby grew up and you Melanie are the descendant of that child." Julius said.

"Soo..." I dragged in waiting for more information.

"So you are half vampire and half werewolf. That's why you will be guarding both." Romeo said with a smile.

My eyes widened. "Wait, but how come I never had the abilities of a vampire?" I asked.

"That part of your life has been at bay, you've always been raised to be a werewolf. To trigger the vampire you would have to....kill a someone." Romeo said looking down.

"What!!!! In order to be a guardian of the Vampire and Werewolves I would have to kill someone first!!! Oh I don't know isn't that being a HYPOCRITE!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, but it's the only way." Romeo said.

"What if I said no," I challenged.

"Well, if you try to run away from this task I'm afraid you will die within the next 2 weeks. Not just you, your mates as well." Julius said.

"Are you threatening to kill her Elder?" Blake growled out.

"Oh not us Alpha. The vampire blood inside you, will eat you alive until there is nothing left." Julius said with a serious face.

I huffed, I was heated. "What about my mates. What do they have to do with this?" I asked trying to keep my anger at bay.

"They will be Kings and you the Queen . Nicoletta died because she couldn't choose between her two loves. Now it seems you must share your love with these two men because of her actions." Romeo said.

I sighed and rubbed my hand across my face.

"How long does she have?" Aria murmured.

"2 days. She has 2 days before the vampire blood takes over. If that does happen she will die slowly every single day. " Julius said softly.

"Okay, say she does do that. What about after?" Shawn asked taking my hand in his.

"After she will be residing here still. But you will have a new title and new authority. You would have to go to the Vampire castle and show your face to the King and Queen that is reigning now. We will inform them of the situation. But soon they will have to step down. After that we still have some more research to do. Remember this is new for us as it is to you. " Julius answered.

"Elders thank you for coming. Melanie has a lot of decisions to make. We will see you out." Alpha Blake said.

They nodded "Good day." They said and they all left the room, except myself and my mates.

"I have to kill someone...." I mumbled under my breathe.

I heard Oliver sigh and take my other hand in his rubbing circles on it. "You can make whatever decision you want to. We will die for you Mel, if we have to." Oliver said softly.

I shot my head at him, my unshed tears stinging my eyes. I shook my head no "I will not have that happen. Ever. I am going to do this. I have too." I mumbled breaking down.

Oliver pulled me into his chest, holding me for dear life. "Your one tough kid love." Shawn mumbles as he rubs my back.

"We will do anything for you. Whatever you ask love. Never doubt that." Shawn says.

I sniffled and nodded my head.

I have to take the life of a person. I have to kill someone. I have to kill one person to guard two whole species of people around the world. I have to become what I will be guarding my species from.

How unjust is that?

This had a lot of info!! So take it all in!!! Lol.

I had to top Blake and Aria in some way. I think I figured out how!

Thank you for reading! Comment and vote!

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