Chapter 6

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Aiden Pov~
Uncle Conner had to pry me off of Gage before I killed him. He was gasping for air, and mashed up to the point of not recognizing him. I broke 6 ribs, his left arm, I dislocated his jaw, and he reaked of blood. But with his werewolf blood he should be fully healed by tomorrow.

I marched my way out of the cellars and straight up to my room, in need of a major shower. I was still fuming inside, I wanted to punch something else. I have yet to learn how to control all this power inside me. I don't know how my dad does it.

Melanie Pov~
I watched from my bed as Shawn and Oliver walked through my door with a smile on their faces. We were about to go down to dinner, but of course my guards had to be with me at all times.

"Hello love." Shawn greeted as he kissed my temple. I smiled and hugged Oliver as he repeated the same gesture Shawn had done.

"Hey guys. Where were you all afternoon? I never saw you guys after our chat in the gardens after school." I said as I threw on my flats to head downstairs.

"We had to do a workout and then help train the young ones, with Channing. Why, did you miss us that much?" Oliver asked making a smug face.

"Not really. I just hated being locked in my room for the whole day." I said partly telling the truth. I did hate being in my room, but I did seem to miss their presence. Since I fully accepted them as my mates, our mate bond will just continue to strengthen from now on.

"Sure." Shawn replied not believing me obviously. "Let's just go." I call out sticking my tongue out at the both of them and walking out of my room. Them trying to catch up to me. I can hear their chuckles start to get louder as they got closer.

As we walked to the dining room that holds the entire pack, I had to pretend the girls giving Shawn and Oliver lust stares didn't bother me. But in the inside it was eating me alive. I tried my hardest to stay calm and collected. We still didn't want the pack to know about us being mates as of yet. We want to figure out more stuff of this saying and what that means for us.

Oh by the way when I finished talking with Aria I mind linked Shawn and Oliver explaining everything, since they were so busy and I couldn't talk to them face to face. They said when that rough times come then we will deal with it. But for now we will just live in the moment. Which I totally 100% agreed on.

I sighed deeply and looked to the boys, finding they were already looking at me. I can see in their eyes they were feeling some emotion but I couldn't figure out what it was.

As we walked into the dining room, some people said hi, some gave me nasty mean looks as usual I shrugged them off like nothing.

When I approached the table the boys had to sit on the opposite side and a little further down, so I couldn't really talk to them. Addy pulled me next to her with a big smile on her face. I was going to tell Addy everything tomorrow. She is my best friend and she deserves to know.

"Where have you been all day missy? I wanted to tell you all about yesterday. And why didn't you tell me about Gage?" She exclaimed.

On hearing his name my body visibly tensed. I felt Shawn and Oliver's glares on me, probably wanting to comfort me but they can't.

I relaxed a little and spoke up "You were on your date when all this was going on and I have been in my room all day, since my guards were busy today."

"Oh, well we need to hang out asap. How about tomorrow after school? My room movies and pizza?" She offered while sticking a piece of chicken in her mouth.

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