Chapter one - LJ perspective

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I'm surrounded by four concrete walls, one of them has a metal door with a food slot and a tiny window in it. Once every four hours a guard passes by to check if I haven't disappeared into thin air yet. They slide open the window slot and look at you like you're an animal in the zoo.
They took all my stuff, I guess to prevent me from using any of it to kill myself. The only options I have left are to tie myself up with the bed sheets or stick my tooth brush down my throat.
I was told I have to be here for four days. On Sunday July 3rd at 10 am we will be shipped off to SCI Port Charlotte, a minimum security prison for female offenders.
I get up and start walking past the walls to measure them. I try to pin-point the exact centre of the cell so I can sit there, trying to keep myself occupied.
I try to do something with every thought that comes into my head to prevent myself from driving to insanity. I take a good look at the walls around me, everything is covered in drawings, curse words, names and dates. I get the sudden urge to cover the whole wall with my scrabbles, so I look around me, intending to find something to draw with. Little pieces of chipped concrete align the wall, I get up from the centre of the cell and walk over to pick up one if the pieces. I start with my name; 'Lauren Jauregui' then my birthday; '27-06-1998' followed by a strage habit of writing my idols name on every thing; 'Lana Del Rey' and lastly the time; ' Friday July first 2016'
I realize I have no idea what time it is. I've been up for what feels like 6 hours. I know it's more than four because the guard passed by a little while ago, but less than 8 because he's only been here once. I don't even know if I went to bed at night or just when I fell asleep. I don't have a window in my cell so there is no way for me to tell the time.
As I'm over thinking the subject of time, I hear footsteps approaching. I hear the sound of the window slots opening and closing coming closer. I'm so focused on the sound of the slots, I didn't realise the guard has already checked on me. I just missed the opportunity to talk to my guard and clear the sky for myself. I quickly push myself up and start banging on the door like a lunatic.

'Sir, please come back!' 'Ma'am?'

I hear the sound of the slots opening and closing fading in the distance at a fast pace. 'Anyone please!'
In another attempt to cry for help my slot opens. A tall, middle-aged man stands before me, regarding me with annoyance.

'Thank you so much, I alm-' I get cut off.
'Save it, what do you want? And make it quick,' he snaps.

'What time is it?' I ask.
'3:16 am,' he informs me.
This shows just how disorientated I am, and what a small space can do to a human.
'You guys do check ups at 3:16 am? That's one random time.' I give him a questioning yet sassy look.
The guard sighs, clearly annoyed with me and possibly his working hours.
'Anything else, 27?'
He releases an even heavier sigh. 'Your cell number.'
'Ah I see, "how to make a human feel like a proto type for a body lotion" a master class by.. what's you name?'

He gives me an annoyed look.

'Okay, a master class by "mystery guard." Sounds legit. Say mystery guard, can I have something to nibble on?'
I can tell from his very annoyed yet questioning expression that he can't really appreciate some light weight humor.

'Food,' I clarify.

'Sorry we only serve meals at 7 am, 11 am and 5 pm, and since you were passed out during both lunch and dinner time you are going to have to wait till breakfast ' he says, clearly enjoying it.

'But then why did I not get breakfast?' I ask.
'I wouldn't know, just wait until your next meal.'

'Sir, come on, I have not eaten anything since my hearing.'

'When was your hearing?' he asks me with a little bit of sensitivity.

'June 29th, two days after my fucking birthday.' I roll my eyes.

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