Chapter Seven LJ Perspective

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I am brutally awaken by the fluorescent lights that suddenly jump on.

'Everyone up!' a guard yells though the halls.

I slowly open my eyes and pick myself up from my bed. When my feet the floor I am stunned by a girl pleasuring herself.

'Dude!' I say.

'How about I save you a walk and we'll have breakfast right here,' she says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and exist the dorm hoping to find 68 in the corridor. As I walk past dorm 18, on my way to the bathroom, I notice that her door is still closed. Wondering if she's still asleep I slowly open the door. There she is, In the centre of the room, her exposed back facing my way. I would let her know I'm entering her room but I get lost in the beauty of her long locks gracing her bare back. The thought of caressing her smooth skin and tiny hips slightly turns me on. I imagine running my fingers over her hips letting them travel upward and cupping the sides of her breasts. I would put both my hands on her shoulder blades, run them up over her shoulders down to her breasts. Then I would firmly grasp the hair on her scalp and pull it back allowing me to kiss her now exposed neck. I'd run my tongue up her neck, along her jaw and gently bite her lower lip. The thought of doing these things to 68's body causes me to let out a soft moan.
The petite girl quickly turns around and jumps at the sight of me.
'Lauren! What are you doing?' she asks while quickly covering her breasts.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't know if you were awake and I couldn't help myself...' I say carefully.

'You couldn't help yourself? So you just start snooping? For how long were you there anyway?' she asks.

'I don't recall, I got so lost,' I say.
'Lost, in what?'

I approach her ignoring her question and put my hands on hers.

'What are you doing?' she asks as I pull on both of her hands intending to bear her chest.

'I won't look, trust me. Press your body against mine as tight as possible, make sure not to loose contact. I won't be able to see anything if you stay magnetized to me,' I say softly.

I see a glimpse of hesitation in her eyes, but shortly after 68 relaxes her clenched muscles letting me uncover her front. I slowly stretch out her arms and slide them around my waist.
'Now, hold on to me and close your eyes,' I whisper.

With my pointer finger I slowly tilt her chin, placing a gentle kiss on her throat. I hear 68 let out a big exhale, presumably out of pleasure. For that very same reason she relaxes her body causing our bodies to detach.

'Uh uh, don't let go now.'

I firmly pull her nearly nude body back to mine, our lips almost touching. For approximately ten seconds I stare at her, feeling her warm breath crash into my face. As my heart rate picks up I can no longer wait and roughly press my lips onto hers. She opens her mouth and lets out a loud moan giving me the opportunity to bite her upper lip. She licks my teeth and shortly after slides her tongue into my mouth. Following her lead I flick my tongue around hers. I gasp when I feel her hands traveling down to my butt, she squeezes it tightly causing me to moan in response.
After a long and heated kiss I pull back and put both my hands on her bare breasts.

The girl gasps, 'Lauren?!' she giggles uncomfortably.

'What? My hands don't have eyes, and do you really think I can tell myself not to look when nothing is preventing me to do so? I wouldn't be able to help myself,' I say teasing her.

68's cheeks fill themselves up with a red flush, her expression tells me she is quite fond of my compliments. She slowly puts her hands on mine gesturing me to take my hands of and let hers take over. Her hands on mine, and mine on her breasts is causing a heated tension. The feeling that's currently brewing up in my stomach is causing me to let out a shaky exhale. I want to pick her up and throw her on her bed and fuck her like we're free but her reaction to my clearly turned on face is telling me she isn't ready. She quickly slides her hands under my hands and turns around.

'Thank you, your hands make a great bra,' she jokes nervously.

'You're welcome, your grace,' I joke referring to the royal bodyguard thing.

68 giggles, 'just get out, I'll see you in the cafeteria,' she jokes.

The minute I step out of 68's dorm I rush to the bathroom, into a toilet stall.
I place my foot on the toilet in the, to my surprise, empty stall. With the feeling of 68's naked body on mine, I slowly slide my hand under my nightgown into my panties. With 68's naked body carved in my mind I rub my nub in a circular motion. The feeling of her tongue licking my lips causes my body to twitch and let out a small moan. Imagining that same tongue liking my entire body making her way down, I lean my head back and slide two fingers into my core. Starting gently, I bite my lower lip and close my eyes in pleasure. In my mind I feel 68's hands creep up my legs and roughly pull them apart. She places her soft Latina lips on my folds, avoiding any sensitive areas she leaves slow and gentle kisses all around my vulva. I let out another moan, louder this time. I imagine 68's tongue entering my core swirling it around, 'fuck,' I whisper.    I let my other hand slide in my bra,
While playing with my nipples I hear 68's soft moans playing like an orchestra in my mind. I look down at 68 head stuck between my legs, my eyes pierce though hers. 'Do you like when I take care of you baby?' she asks me.
'Yes mommy,' I say aloud. I envision us outside, in the pine tree park back in Miami. Our naked bodies are pressed together, the soft grass tickling my skin. I quickly roll us over putting 68 on her back and me on top. I place myself on 68's upper leg and move my body back and forth. I put both my hands on her breasts, bringing back the feeling of her breasts filling my palms. I roll my eyes back and groan as I feel myself nearing my climax. I pound my core harder when I see my gentle visions of 68 turn into rough sex.
'Aahh fu-,' I howl as I come.

With my heart still pounding in my chest I exist the stall and wash my hands before heading into the cafeteria.

'Your grace,' I joke, still out of breath.

'You went for a run or something ? You're all red and sweaty,' she laughs.

I force a laugh and quickly sit down ignoring eye contact.

'Oh shit my food,' I chuckle nervously.

'Wait, I already got you a plate,' she says with a huge smile plastered on her face.

'Oh?! You shouldn't have. You're the princess remember?' I chuckle nervously.
The fact that I just envisioned us fucking in a park, a toilet stall and a prison dorm makes me uncomfortable around her.

'Oh, In that case.'

She gets up and takes my plate with her
'Hey! Wait,' I Laugh. 'Give me my food!' I giggle extending my arm.

'On one condition...' she says.

'And what might that be?' I raise my eyebrows.

'Answer my question; what's your sexuality?' she asks, with a little more confidence this time.

My face looses it joy when that same question takes over my head. I take a deep breath and tilt my head down,

'I don't know, yet. Bu-,' I clear my throat preparing myself for what I'm about to say. 'But, One thing that is undeniable is...' I look up at her. 'You enchant me. You are the only person that has ever made me feel Vulnerable or nervous. We couldn't be in a more fucked up situation, but honestly I don't even care about the fact that we are surrounded by barbed wire and fences and guards because I have never felt so special around someone else before. And I don't know if it's love or a crush or if its just your captivating personality, but one thing is for certain, you are the source of my positivity and happiness in this place full of negativity and sadness. ' I take a deep exhale, 'So I hope that answered your question...'

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