Chapter Three - LJ perspective

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oops i didn't proof read or check this on grammar.. sorry

Laurens green eyes shoot open as the van hits, what seems to be a bump in the road.  Her eyes adjusting to the light and her woozy feeling fading she realises it wasn't the rocky pavement but a speed bump.  The dark haired girl shifts her face to the window to observe the property. Armed and suited, a guard holds up his hand, gesturing the van to impede its pace. The driver rolls down his window to presumably ask to let the van through.

'Good morning,' the guard says welcoming.
'The 378 for Port Charlotte minimum,' the driver says.
The guard firmly clenches his belt, nods tightly and walks over to the small wooden house next to the barrier. As soon as the barrier shoots open the van starts to move, coming across a sign which ironically reads, " Welcome to SCI Port Charlotte, enjoy your stay!"


JULY 3RD 2016


"Enjoy your stay?!" I scoff.
'Like its some fucking hotel,' I roll my eyes looking for a reaction from 68.My annoyed face turns into a confused one, the younger girl is not where shewas when I dozed off. 'Was I dreaming?' I think to myself. I gaze* aroundtrying to find the girl. As I turn around my eyes widen and I feel my scalptighten as I see who sits behind me.

'Ay bleach! You stayin here as well?' she says referring to the sign we just passed. Her facial expression tells me she's very exited to see me.
'Wow, shit face, I never thought someone with your temper issues would go to minimum,' I say intending to pull her strings.
'Who you callin shit face? Is you fuckin rasict?' she says offensively.
'No, I am not. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me out by my complexion. Do to others as you would have them do to you,' I say tilting my head to the side.
'The fuck you quoting the bible for?
'Oh, so you know the book? You know the book also embodies love and discourages violence,' I say referring to the cafeteria incident.
'It also says no homo,' she say a bit more teasingly yet serious.
'technically it says; "men shall not lay with men" so it doesn't really apply for me.  Not that applies to the situation at all but okay.'
'Uhuh bleach I saw you lurking at that kinder gardener,' she says.
'So she was here,' I mutter to myself in confusion.
'You Fuckin weird,' the woman rolls her eyes. 'But listen bleach-' I cut her off. 
'Shit face,' I say confirming that I am listening but more so to piss her off.
She inhales in frustration but opens her mouth to continue.
'I still gotta cut you open and throw you in a bath of salt, what do we do about it bleach?'
'I don't know you tell me.'
The van comes to an abrupt stop causing me to fall back.
'Everyone out!' a guard outside the van yells.
I push myself up and look for the dark eyed girl once more, still no sign of 68. Since I am on the first row I am the first to set foot on PC Ground. A wave of insecurity, regret, loneliness and failure rushes through my body. I take in the building, it feels cold and sad though the view and the surroundings are beautiful. The beautiful trees and the cheerful birds fill up the otherwise dull area.

As the 378 is being instructed to line up, I scan the area once again trying to find 68. When another attempt to find the girl fails, I start to worry.
'Where the fuck is she?' I mutter to myself. I want to open my mouth to ask one of the guards where she might be. Right before I do I hear one last pair of feet hit the ground and shake up the pebble stones topping it. The dark hair blends right in with the eight other heads. Wanting some clarification, I step out of the line intending to approach the dark hair. Before I can take a second step a guard yanks my arm back and pushes me toward the ground.
'Au! What the fuck dude! What the hell are you doing?' I yell panicked.
'Get the fuck back in line!' a guard demands.
'I wasn't,' I stop talking at the sight of two feet coming my way.

The 378 (Camren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora