3 - Home

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Once I made it to the top, I threw myself over the small edge and laid on the cobblestone. I must have been crazy to do that, I don't know why I did it. I couldn't replay what I did without getting goose bumps and twitching. I looked around for an exit quickly so I could get back on the actually ground. Finding no stairwell or archer tower I peered over the other side and almost threw up. I had to be fifteen blocks up at least. One missed ledge and I fall to my death, okay maybe I'm over exaggerating, the most damage I would probably do is break my leg or something.

I turn and start to run to the other wall. I see a guard, how did he get up here? There must be a staircase or something. As he turned to face me and start walking towards me I crouched behind a block. Waiting for him to pass I then run as fast as I can over to the other side. Luckily he doesn't catch me but I don't pay attention to where I'm going and fall down half a step. Quickly scampering up I look at where I fell, my knee is cut pretty badly but the good news? I found the stairwell. Quickly running down the stairs I find myself by the front gate. Sighing in relief I dash out of guards sight and try to act a common as I can, again.

Wondering down the streets I finally find the library. They have to have something about the prophecy. The library is huge! It's two floors made out of cobblestone with spruce floors. The bottom floor has children's books and the front desk, upstairs is the adult books. The library had custom paintings for children and adult in the designed location. They had a multicolored carpet all around the children's section. Up at the front desk it was a plain grey. The librarian was a woman who looked to be in her young thirty's, she smiled at me when I entered. "Can I help you with anything today?" Her voice was soft. I walked up to the desk, "Do you by any chance know about the prophecy?" I asked quietly. Her eyes sparkled as she nodded quickly. "Oh yes!" She exclaimed. "Follow me!" She walked from behind the desk and I saw her whole outfit. She wore a green dress with brown boots and she had long brown hair that was straight; her eyes were also a softbrown. I followed her to the back of the library that was decorated like a study. She climbed a ladder to reach a higher shelf, she mumbled something under her breath while her hand flopped around to reach a book. Once she got it she carefully climbed down the ladder. She then placed the book on the desk.

"This book contains everything you need to know." She explained opening it up. I saw pictures and sentences explaining everything, I sat down on the chair behind me already feeling overwhelmed. The librarian chuckled, "Do you feel the magic?" I looked up at her. "Magic?" She nodded. "Oh yes, this book contains some of the last magic in the world. All of the sorcerers have either been killed or in hiding. Our King thought that sorcerers would were deadly and couldn't be trusted so since everybody looked up to him we followed his lead in killing every sorcerer we saw to protect our kids and the next generation." She explained slowly. "You're a sorcerer." I guessed. Her eyes widen "Wha- no! I only know this because the king allowed me to keep this book and he told me about the power!" I nodded slowly, smiling. "Okay." She looked terrified. "I'm serious kid." I giggled. "My names Deadlox." She tilted her head at me. "Deadlox?" I nodded. "Deadlox, where are you from?" I froze. "Uh- I was abandoned." She stared at me then nodded. "How would you like to stay with me, Deadlox?" I thought for a moment. "Tell me first, are you really a sorcerer?" She took a deep breath before nodding. "I am, but you can't tell anyone, okay? Promise me." I nodded. "I won't tell a single soul." She smiled. "Thank you." I smiled back. "What should I call you?" She tapped her finger on her chin. "Well, if we don't want to be suspicious you should probably go with mom, but my last name is Winterlace." I grinned. "Deadlox Winterlace." My new mom shook her head. "We can't call you Deadlox anymore, Deadlox is a magical name. It's in a different prophecy, if you go around calling yourself Deadlox people will be suspicious of sorcery." I frowned, "Then what is my name?" She was silent. "I've always wanted a child named Tyler, but we could shorten it to Ty if you prefer." I smiled again. "Ty Winterlace. I like it." She chuckled. "Alright, Ty, stay here until we close and then I'll take you to your new home." I nodded and took the book in my hands. My mom left back to the front counter.

I started reading the book, every page I sat up a little bit straighter in my seat anticipating the next line. I often wondered if Sky would come back or if I would ever see him again. I needed to ask mom if I was in the prophecy or how to tell. I also wondered if I had magic. I had so many questions that I needed to know the answer to. Every word I read sent a tingle through my spine my pulse would quicken. I closed the book when I could hear my own heart beating but still held it close to my chest

We fear what we don't see

There is no heir to the missing King

Magic is lost, is there hope left?

Two-faced nears death

Left alone he proves them wrong

To be calm he listens to a song

One thing left, he wants to find the rest

Enough said all he wants is the best

I repeated it to my self quietly; the prophecy everybody was so wound up about, the one clearly stating that magic is good. Why would the King kill sorcerers? The King sounded strange and I really wanted to meet him but I would have to let my mom take care of everything. For once I could try to be a normal seven year old, but me and my mom both knew that I wasn't normal and someone wold find out our secret.

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