2 - Friends

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-- Deadlox's POV --

Sky laid out a map across the roof we were currently sitting on, big red X's were marked across the map. I only tilted my head in confusion. "I've been trying to track everyone down." Sky explains, I nod, looking at what he has so far. A sloppy drawing of red eyes outside of the army base represents me. Mitchell's and Jerome's golden dog tags are marked deeper in the forest. Up north there is a drawing of flippers, Sky said it's a rare species called a mudkip and he's only heard of them through stories. Down in a village way south of us is a piece of cake. Then carefully drawn in purple, a cape is west of us, I also see the drawing of the cape on the east of us. The purple guy moves around a lot. "How have you been tracking this 'team'?" I ask. Sky smiles at his work. "Well, at first it was random guessing, like the grass. I know it only grows in swamps, so that narrows it down. There are only four or five swamps in the North, East, South and Western village areas." I nod. "What about purple guy?" Sky shakes his head. "He's been the hardest. I didn't have a clue for him at all. At first I did a lot of reading for the prophecy. Reading between the lines and trying to figure out how this team was suppose to work. Honestly. I'm not sure if my data is correct for Purple Guy. I put him in two different places because of the research I did. They both had different outcomes." Sky explains. I look over the map one more time and try to memorize it. "What's the prophecy?" The question slips through and Sky looks shocked. "Where have you been all your life!" He exclaims, packing up his map. "I-I don't know if you're the right guy... every member of the team is at least suppose to know what the prophecy is. It's what every Minecraftivian wishes they were apart of. What every kid dreams of being. The protecters of Minecraft when the Sky Army falls, we will be there." I only nod. "Who knows about this?" I ask quietly. Sky's on the other side of the roof, getting ready to leave. "Everybody. It's the only reason I'm not dead. Do your research, Deadlox. It was nice meeting you, but I don't think you're the guy I'm looking for." He jumps off the roof and as I run to the edge to try and find him, he's gone. No trace of Sky. Like he was never here

I make my way down and walk through the village. I don't know what to do. I need to find shelter, that's the first thing on my list. I could easily hide somewhere in the village but if I was found, I'd be in big trouble. I sigh looking around. The sun is about to set, before the gates close I run out of them and back to the tree house I found. It's a good enough shelter for one night, tomorrow I'll go back to the village and try to find more about the prophecy Sky talked about. All night I wondered if I was the guy Sky needed or if it was just a mix up.

Once climbing up tree house I jumped over a plank that had fallen, venturing deep in the tree house. Much deeper then I had been the first time. The farther I went the more broken down and burned it got. It was sad, looking around I could almost imagine a family growing up here. Then everything just being ripped away from them. I constantly pondered what having a family felt like. Not just being alone all the time. I thought Sky was going to be my first friend and give me a glimpse of what it felt like to have someone to rely on. But he let me down quite quickly. That night I vowed not to rely on anyone and pull my own weight. If I try to rely on other people they'll just let you down. I might be only seven but with a monster inside of me I know how to take care of myself. As I walked into the back of the treehouse it became quiet, I looked around to try and find a good sleeping place. I finally found a few sturdy boards and an old ripped blanket, it would work.

I jerk up and quickly look around, almost forgetting where I am for a second. "It's okay, Deadlox." I calm myself. Why did I just jerk up like that? Looking around, I realize that it's a lot brighter than it should be, it's a faint green light, like nothing I've ever seen before. I get up, squinting my eyes at first as I walk back to the main room. The light gets brighter as I go closer. Then finally I see it, a pair of charcoal black headphones with green centers. Surrounded by a neon green light that is only getting brighter. I reach my hand out and once a finger touches it I feel a twitch go through my body and I jump back. It was magic, I could tell and a part of my body didn't like the magic. I was guessing the dragon part. This made me reach my hand out faster and grab them. The light dies out but the green doesn't go away until I put them on my head, once I do a strong breeze ripples through the silent night.

Everything was too calm for my liking after that breeze. That was until I heard the groan of a zombie. I jumped after it being quiet for so long, I thought I was safe until I turned around and saw two zombies only six blocks behind me. I scrambled backwards towards the exit only to find another zombie. I pull out my stick but I know I won't be able to fight off three zombies alone. My eyes frantically look around for an escape. A window. I jump over two missing blocks, barely grasping the third block I quickly climb out of the tree house and onto a strong tree branch. Not daring to look down I look back into the tree house. A spider and another zombie have joined the party and are making their way over to the window. Throwing my arms out for balance I quickly walk across the branch till the very end. Stopping every once and a while because I wobble I take a deep breath and look back. I can't see the monsters anymore, but I see eight glowing red eyes and hear groans from zombies telling me that they haven't left me alone.

Fear is pumping through my blood as I'm forced to look down. I start shaking as I realize how high up I am. I'm forced to take deep breaths and close my eyes. Feeling around I find the lowest branch to the ground and then jump. For eternity all I hear is the wind zipping past my ears, but I quickly land on my feet. Making sure I didn't break and bones I look around and then break off into a sprint. I don't know where I'm going but it's away from that tree house. Running towards the camp I stop and pull out my stick. Looking around for danger I don't hear or see anything. That is until I hear a hiss come from behind. I turn around quickly to be face to face with a creeper. I jump back, my leg goes up and kicks the creeper back, exploding into air I pause for a moment. I have no idea how I did that, but soon I'm backed against the castle walls. I look around for an escape but don't see one. I feel the wall behind me, a crazy idea coming to mind. I spin around and start climbing the odd bricks. I stay on the wall until morning where I watch all the monsters burn. Out of breath, I don't dare look down but grip my eyes closed and continue climbing up.

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