11 - Split

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I finally got down to the lake and then realized: I had no idea what a puffer fish was. I racked my brain quickly incase Notch put the slightest memory in my head but I had no luck. "Please Notch. Sky can't die." I mumbled. Getting in the water till it was about ankle deep. Looking out into the water I saw a fish I recognized as salmon and squid. Suddenly something nipped at my ankle. I jumped back grabbing whatever nipped me. A circular yellow fish with spikes and blue fins was flapping in my hand. "This-this is a pufferfish!" I exclaimed throwing it onto the ground. That was one gift that Herobrine gave me when I spawned into this world. When I find something I don't know, in a matter of seconds it would come to me. Carefully getting back into the water I looked again for the weird yellow fish. In an hour or so I was able to catch two more. I threw them onto the beach to let them dry out. As I was getting out of the water I felt a surge memories like a massive migraine and then pictures flashed through my head.

First off I saw Jerome and Herobrine shaking hands as to say that they've made a deal which I shook my head in disgust. Who in their right mind would make a deal with Herobrine? I had to put a stop to that. To save Jerome. Next I saw a boy tied down to an operation table and still the stench of Herobrine was all over this room, and the boy. I couldn't recognize him but he looked like a younger Mitch. Light brown hair with light brown hair; he looked no older than four and he was breathing heavily. I felt bad for the boy and I didn't know if it was Mitch himself or a relative and frankly I was too afraid to ask. My vision started fading in an out but I tried to stay awake to see the next imagines but I couldn't do. I only heard Notch's voice telling me that I was getting too involved. I didn't know what he meant and it scared me. Too involved? What was going to happen to me?

By the next morning the whole team was up at five am helping Quentin with Sky. Mitch and Jerome just popped up this morning, nobody knew where they were but they were fine and had no memories of the night before so we shrugged it off. Sky looked pale and yellowish as Quentin squeezed some kind of yellow liquid out of the pufferfish. "This juice is what makes you sick when you try to eat this fish." Quentin explain putting it into a bucket. "Does somebody want to try one?" Quentin asked. We all looked skeptical but Jerome stepped up. "I'm actually curious." He said cracking a goofy grin. Mitch rolled his eyes at his best friend and I smiled, they were the true definition of best friends. Jerome grabbed the fish and me and Mitch gathered around him while Quentin worked on Sky. Jerome took a big bite into the fishes side. His face immediately twisted into an emotion of regret and he gagged spitting the fish out. "Ew gross! I prefer raw fish over this any day!" He exclaimed taking his hands and wiping them over and over again on his tongue as if to get the taste out of his mouth. Mitch giggled and took the fish from Jerome taking a significantly smaller bite. He chewed and swallowed. "Oh come on Jerome it's not that bad." Mitch teased and then passed the fish to me. I shrugged and took a small bite as well. It was sweet and sour at the same time with a strong taste of salt water from the pond. I chewed and the guys laughed at me which confirmed my suspicion if I was making a weird face to the new food. Then I swallowed and the worst part came; the aftertaste. It tasted worse than the original thing. It tasted like you were about to throw up but it couldn't get all the way up your throats and it had a burning fire running up my throat from the salt water. I now understood Jerome's actions and began to do the same. Mitch and Jerome laughed and I threw the fish at them but they both dodged it, then Quentin came out of Sky's tent. "He's okay." Quentin spoke with a smile on his face. A grin appeared on my face and I thanked Notch silently. "Is he awake?" I asked eagerly, Quentin nodded "He wants to see you, Ty."

I rushed into Sky's tent to see him sitting up straight and sipping tea. His glasses were still on his head but his hair looked a mess. "Hey, how are you?" He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Ty, I'm doing good." I nodded and sat down in front of him. "So what's our next move?" I asked cautiously. Sky cleared his throat and nodded setting the boiling cup of tea down next to him. "The sickness I am recovering from," he began, looking down, "is not from Quentin's village. I know that's what everyone thinks and that's what I want them to think but it's not the truth. I need someone to know in case it happens again." I frowned at him, lying to the team was not a good idea but I had to respect his wishes. "Why me? Why not tell Quentin he's the doctor?" I asked. Sky nodded slightly, "I would tell Quentin but this is not a human virus than can be cured from a doctor like Quentin. I plan to train him in all different types of medicines and illnesses but it's too early." What Sky was saying started to scare me, what was he talking about? How could there be other illnesses that minecraftiva didn't know about? Was this something like Enderlox? All the questions spiraled around my head until Sky started talking again. "My powers come with a curse," Sky said looking down at his hands, "as I'm sure you know, my powers aren't really one thing. More like a lot of different techniques all put together. It's kind of like yours and most sorcerers don't control one thing or they train themselves and learn different powers." He took a break and sipped on his tea, I noticed his glasses had started to fall down his face and I saw his eyes, brown; dark and focused, but there was something different about them. They were ever so slightly glowing. He must have noticed that they were falling because he quickly pushed them back up. "We are sorcerers, but we were born with all of these powers built into us, theres only a couple of people like us in the entire world but as we die and the next generation arises our bloodlines will too have the same power. The sorcerer we seek has the same power as us as far as I know and he is the only one that knows how to fully cure me. He is nine years old and a level 7 as far as power. For his age, he is the most powerful and the prophecy says we have to find him or we will fail." As Sky talked about this guy I wondered about my own power and Enderlox and how they were connected. "Sky," I interrupted him. He looked up at me but all I could think about were his eyes. "On the map, that you first showed me, it showed the purple cape in the mountains-" Sky quickly caught onto what I was saying. "The mountains right behind the forest that Mitch and Jerome were lost in." I nodded. "And they say they don't remember anything, do you think that this sorcerer met them?" Sky started thinking and quickly nodded. "Its possible, we need to find this guy asap but we are running out of training time we also need to find the cake guy." I was quiet for a minute. "Are these the last two people?" Sky nodded. "Then the prophecy is almost complete. We just find these guys and then decipher the prophecy, right?" Sky nodded. "It sounds less complicated than it really is. I need the sorcerer to help me with this curse but if we don't find this other hidden village. I don't know when we will." Sky drank his tea in silence. "Can we just tell the rest of the team everything and then start to decipher the prophecy as we go?" Sky nodded slowly. "That would probably be best, we need to understand the prophecy and start training as soon as possible. I think that is where the sorcerer will help us. He knows everyones powers just by looking at them." I froze when he said that. Would this guy be able to find Enderlox hidden deep in my soul? If he could what would he say or do? I snapped back into reality when Sky snapped his fingers in front of my face. "As I was saying, I can't tell what everyones power is so I don't know how to train them." Sky went on about how important the sorcerer is and I completely understood him, I just didn't want Enderlox to be revealed.

"Lets get you up and outside to tell the team the news." Sky nodded as I helped him up and we made our way outside everyone else was sitting around the campfire. "Okay. So, after talking with Sky we've come up with a conclusion and our next course of action is to split up." Everyone immediately shut up and all you could hear were the crickets chirping as the sun started to set.

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