10 - We Are A Family

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A couple of weeks have passed and we've been though multiple villages and added a couple of new people to the team. Quentin learned fast and quickly became a great medic, then we added Mitch and Jerome. Mitch was a very skilled archer and Jerome was a bacca, a very rare and furry creature. Mitch and Jerome were the owners of the dog tags I had found when I was new to this world. We've all grown very close to each other and told all of our secrets. Of course I left out the fact that I'm half a demon. Sky quickly became the leader since he started our team and is the oldest. I haven't become anyone important on the team, my power although has increased to levels that I could have never even imagined. Sky said I could easily be the strongest team member soon. Mitch was the best archer I've seen in my whole life and Jerome had amazing skills when it came to fishing and hunting. So far we were a pretty messed up team. Everyone was so different  sometimes we didn't always get along and sometimes the people that knew each other would huddle together and not talk to the rest of the group. Sometimes it was very frustrating but other times, we were as close as brothers. I soon realized that this was my first real family. We fought sometimes but in the end we all had each others back;  it was a great feeling. Sky said that we were missing just three more members before the team was complete. We have only been together for a month or two but I feel like I've know these people my whole life. 

Jerome picked the resting spot for the night, we were near a lake and a desert biome lay before us. Sky said that the team member that loved cake was last spotted somewhere in the desert biome although there was no data of any villages in this biome.  Mitch and Jerome went out to collect some sticks while Sky, Quentin and I stayed behind to set up the tents. Mitch and Jerome normally shared a tent then Sky and Quentin shared a tent; I slept alone for the fear of Enderlox. Although I felt relatively safe most of the time, I've had weird and vivd dreams lately so I decided to just do it for safe keeping. "TY!" Quentin yelled waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh! What?" I asked shaking my head quickly looking around. Sky chuckled as he set up the last tent. "Sky told me to wake you up!" Quentin chirped. I looked over at Sky with and irritated expression. "I was not asleep" Quentin giggled. "You sure did look like it." "Yeah yeah" I mumbled. Walking over to the chest I pulled out some logs and set them around the designated location for the fire pit tonight. "Shouldn't Mitch and Jerome be back by now," I ask a tad worried. Sky shrugged it off. "I bet they are fine, Jerome wouldn't let anything hurt Mitch and he won't go down without a fight, just a bacca nature." I looked over at Sky. "We are seven not seventeen." I reminded him "I'm six!" Quentin chirped in dragging a pail of water from the lake. I pointed down at Quentin. "My point exactly, I'm going to look for them." Sky rolled his eyes. "Save your magic at least!" I nodded walking into the cool crisp night. "I will" I promised. The wind started howling in my ear as soon as I entered the patch of trees where Mitch and Jerome were last seen. I put my hand on the handle of the sword to feel safer and soon wished I had a jacket to protect me from the thorns of the bushes and trees. 

I pulled my sword out and started looking around for track marks of where the bacca and benj would've gone. Nothing. That's what I found, absolutely nothing. The wind whistled loudly in my ear as I scurried through the forest. I had no where to go. I couldn't find Mitch and Jerome anywhere and the stupid forest had gotten me lost. The moon was half full and its' face was shinning down on me. I had pokes and cuts all up and down my arms and legs. The only hope in finding my way back to camp was climbing a tree. So I started, hiking one foot into the bark I started climbing not daring to look down. As I slowly reached the top of the tree I looked around, I saw the campfire not too far off into the distance and smiled knowing I could get back to the team. I climbed back down the way I came up without getting sick to my stomach which I took as a small victory in the long run. 

In the time it took me to get back it was almost midnight and I was exhausted. Right now, I could care less about Mitch and Jerome as long as they were together. I was tired, sore and scraped from head to toe. I had tried to use some magic to fly back to the camp quicker or get a torch so I could see but I quickly learned that if you're tired and you try to use magic it will backfire. When I saw the campfire in sight I smiled and thanked Notch for getting me back to the team. I saw Quentin roasting some chicken over the open fire. "Hey, little Q, why are't you asleep?" I called out, steadily making my way over to him. "Ty!" he called out almost dropping the chicken into the fire. I chuckled. "Why aren't you asleep?" Quentin sighed. "Sky's sleeping right now, he broke out in a rash and had a mild fever. I'm afraid it might be the virus that killed my village. I know of a remedy although. It just takes a while to make. He could be better by tomorrow night!" I always will admire how brave Quentin is and his positive attitude. "Okay bud, how can I help?" Quentin's eyes lit up. "I need a pufferfish from the lake but I can't go get any because I have to stay and finish cooking the chicken and make the soup, if you could find just two or three Sky could be healed in the morning." I nodded, looking our at the lake. "Okay, three pufferfish coming right up. Stay safe, I'll be right back." With Quentin nodding and going back to watch the chicken, I took off in a slow jog towards the lake. Come on Sky, please don't die. This team needs a leader, and everybody knows it can only be you. The future of Minecraftivia needs you. The prophecy is never wrong.

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