Jily plus Mauraders

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Okay there's gonna beat few so when there is a '~' That means that that's where the different ones stop and start!

James: I like your mouth

Lily: Oh, thanks. I'm sure that sounded less creepy in your head.


*Sirius to James and Lily*

"So... what is this: casual, serious? I need to know how to make fun of you."


*James to Lily*

It's like your beautiful brain exploded all over your face.


Lily: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl.

James: I don't think you can fight because you're wearing a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Sirius could fight in that dress either.

Sirius: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.


Sirius : Hey, Potters, can I sleep on your couch after the party?

Lily : No, you can't. We're sleeping on the couch.

Sirius: What? Why?

Lily : Because the bed is... is kind of... broken.

Sirius :

Sirius : The bed is... James, you DOG! I didn't know you had it in you!

James : Trust me, it's way less cool than it sounds.

Lily : He didn't even need me to break the bed.

Sirius : Well that's just sad.


Lily : He was dancing to the Twist and Shout and jumped on the bed so hard that it broke under him.

Sirius : OK, that sounds a lot more like something James would have done


James: you're so deer to me Lily

Lily: oh Merlin

Sirius : oh yeah he's quite fawn'd of you, you know

Lily: stop

Remus: so many stag-nant puns here

Lily: why


James : (to baby Harry) ...and I'm not giving you to some random chick. She must be cool and funny and super hot and ginger and not just interested in Quidditch. She must be like world class player and Gryffindor of course and tough and brave and...

Lily : James, don't you think you have a little too big expectations? Kid's gonna be affraid to bring anyone home if you tell him things like that.

(Jily watching Harry and Ginny from heaven years later)

James : Ok, she survives.

Lily : Unbelievable


Marauders going through the wedding pictures

(the picture of James and Lily)

James : So this is me and my wife.

(the picture of James and Sirius)

Remus : This is James and his other wife.

(the picture of James and the broom)

Lily : And this is James and his other other wife


Pregnant Lily : You think we have enough responsibility to bring a child to this bunch of people and raise it?

James : Lily, your problem is, that you still see us as those idiots we were at school, when we were young, stupid and mostly high. But look at us now!

Lily : ...

Sirius : ...

Remus : ...

Peter : ...

James : ...

Remus : Sirius has longer hair.


Okay I think that is enough:)

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