Drunk (1)

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Thomas gets home drunk, for the fifth time. You've decided that you've had enough and left to your best friends house for a place to stay. Thomas ends up finding you, begging for you to come back.

Your POV
You had just finished making dinner for you and your boyfriend, Thomas. You two have been dating for two years, and it was official. Most of his fans were supportive and liked you. You sat down at the table. Thomas could be home any second now, his work should've ended half an hour ago. So you waited patiently.

Five minutes turned into half an hour. He was still not home. He hadn't called or texted you to tell you anything either. Looking down at the food, you stare at it with tears. You hoped that he could pick up his act today, but it seemed like he hadn't.

Sighing, you stand up and go up to your bedroom you share with him. This was the fifth time this week. The nights before, he would always have Dylan drive him back, looking drunk at 2 in the morning.
Forgetting about the dinner at the table, you lay down on your side of the bed and curled into a ball. Your eyes were filled with tears, threatening to fall any second. Your lips curled inwards, and you were biting the insides.
If he comes home drunk today, I'm leaving.
You thought to yourself, before falling asleep.

A loud knock on the door made you jump. You sat up and looked at your phone. It read 3:12am. Shaking your head, you walk down stairs to open the door.
The door swung open and it revealed Thomas, slumped over Ki and Dylan. They open their mouth to speak, but you held up a hand to cut them off. They shut their mouths. Ki ran a hand through his hair.
"Look, please, y/n, what ever happens, or how fed up you are, please forgive him..." He trailed off. You gave him a confused look, before sighing.

You grabbed Thomas from them. It was only then, when you saw what Ki meant.
There, on Thomas, your boyfriend of two years, was a lipstick stain around his lips. His collar had another girls perfume scent. Worst of all, his clothing was messy, his belt was unbuckled and it looked like he put it on in a hurry. Your eyes widened as Ki and Dylan shook their heads.
"Please consider what I said" Ki said, not looking into your eyes. They walked off, leaving you alone with him.

Him, who told you he loved you.
Him, who told you you were beautiful.
Him, who meant everything to you.

But not anymore.
You wiped your eyes quickly. But the tears didn't stop. They rolled down your cheeks until they dripped off your chin and splattered onto the concrete.
Just like your heart.

Was I not good enough for him?
No, he was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing.
But he shouldn't even go out and drink this much. He never did.
Maybe he changed.
And I will too.

The thoughts flooded your mind as you dragged his body onto the couch.
He can drink.
He can get drunk.
He can go out with his friends at night.
You didn't mind him going out and getting drunk. You could tolerate that once or twice a month. But that doesn't mean he can go out and get completely wasted, every night. That doesn't mean he can cheat.
You stared at his sleeping figure. You bit your lips to prevent your crying to be heard. But you could only hold it in for a second, before completely breaking down. You crouched down next to the coffee table and sobbed into your hands. After ten minutes, you got a hold of yourself. Hiccuping, you make your decision.

I'm leaving.
You thought, before walking upstairs and packing a bag. You made sure you had enough for three days, before calling your best friend, Taylor (just a random name).
It ringed for twenty seconds before he picked up.
"Girl there be a good reason you're calling me at freakin 3am!" Taylor screamed.
You sniffed into the phone. But you couldn't make out any words. You just burst out in tears.
Taylor went silent.
"Thomas" he growled out.
"I told him would cut off his balls and shove them further up his ass than his dad did to his mum if he ever hurt you-" he continued to ramble on. You had managed to stop crying again.
"C-can I *hiccup* go to yours?" Your voice was only above a whisper.
"Sure, stay as long as you want, leave your door unlocked cuz I'm screwing up his face in the morning and-"
You started crying at the mention of him again.
"Aw baby girl don't cry, I got you, and I know exactly what will help you feel better." He spoke with excitement.
"Ok, I'll get there is five minutes." You hung up with a little smile. Taylor always made you feel better. And by the way, he's gay, so he's like a brother to you.
You frowned before stepping out of the room, and leaving the house, giving Thomas one last sad look.

Please please please please tell me if I had made a mistake. I write this on my phone so idk.
Enjoy :)
Updating tomorrow hopefully.

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now