Second star to the right

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Mistakes are commonly known  to happen. Some are small, and soon forgotten. And some...are rather large.

In this case, the mistake was a story.

We all know the story of Peter Pan....
Well, at least some of it.

The only thing is the version we know is wrong.

Was Captain Hook actually the enemy?

Was Wendy really as weak as she perceived?

Was peter pan's name really that?
For perhaps his name was really...

"Eren!" I wake up with a start when my name is called.

Rubbing the sleep from my eye, it takes a few moments to realise what's happening. Groggily, I look over at my alarm clock...that should have gone off ten minutes ago!


"If you have to take one, hurry it up. We're going to be late!" My coworker Jean says to me, standing in the doorway of my room. He already had his work bag slung over his shoulder, car keys in hand.

As I throw the covers off of me in a hurried panic, I grab some clothes from my dresser.

Jean usually dropped by in the mornings since I, sadly, don't have a car. No doubt if I didn't hurry, he would regret his actions of doing so.

"Oh. Jaeger."

I pause what I'm doing to look up at Jean. "Ya?"

"Dress warm. It's raining."

"You're not going to give me a ride?" I ask incredulously.

Letting out a board sigh, Jean looks down at the watch on his wrist.

"I don't know...we have five minutes to get to work...."

"I'll be done in two minutes!" I exclaim, already rushing to the bathroom.

"Fine. Two minutes. If not, I'm leaving without your sorry ass." Jean plops down on my couch with yet another sigh.

Okay. Time!

I waste no time in locking the bathroom door behind me.

As soon as I had hopped out of the shower, disaster happened. 

I swear I almost died at least twice. If it weren't for that towel hanger on the side of the wall, I would have fallen and possibly ended my sad excuse of a life.

After all that mess, I ended up getting some soap (that I apparently hadn't  washed out of my hair all the way) into my eyes.

Let me tell you a small fact about the tearless shampoos. You may not cry from them. But they sure as hell sting the living moister from your eyes.

As I yelled in pain, slipping around the bathroom blindly, I grab onto what feels like the sink.

Okay...okay I got this....

I feel around for the water handle(or whatever their called) so I could rinse the death from my eyes.

Oh I found the left one.... *flush*

What the....

I quickly open my right eye, despite the pain that followed. To my know what? No, I wasn't surprised. I wasn't surprised to see that I was actually holding onto the toilet, not the sink.

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