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As soon as Armin and I reached the pirate ship, I latch onto a rope net that hung off the side. As I hold the scratchy material, I just sit there for a moment. I needed a nice, long, break.

My arms hurt from swimming the entire way here and the breeze didn't exactly help me stay warm in my wet state.

When I finally feel like my arms won't give out if I climbed, I begin my way up to the deck.

I have to admit I was excited! I've never been on a pirate ship. I mean, who has?

Even if this was all a dream, this is the best damn dream I've ever had and I might as well get the full experience from it.

I finally reached the end of the net I was climbing and fall face first into the deck of the ship.

Ah...I wanna lie here and never get up...

I lay breathing hard, no doubt making the wood beneath me wet.

"Someone pick up that body!" I look up tiredly to the sight of two rather large men charging toward me.

I roll over and sit up, trying to scoot away. "W-Wait! I'm not a body!" I exclaim, trying to push the men away once they grab hold of me.

"Ya, but you will be if you keep tracking water all over the deck!" One of my captures whisper yells into my ear.

If I keep...what? Is this the world's cleanliest pirate crew or something?

"Where should we put him? We can't let the captain see this." One of the guys says gesturing to me all the while holding my right arm in place.

"Let's throw him in the room." The other responds. They both nod.

"No, no. There will be no throwing anyone into anything!" I struggle against the two holding me but with superhuman strength, they hoist me up off of the ground.

My feet dangled helplessly, as I was carried/dragged to some unknown place.

Where's Armin?! I need some help over here!

I was quickly approaching a door that was straight ahead and I'm afraid of what lies behind it.

"Come on, Mike. Hurry up!" One of the guys says as he unlocks the wooden door.

"No, uh, Mike. Take your time!" I laugh nervously.

When I speak, both the men's gaze snap to me, then back to the task at hand: Throwing me into some unknown room.

The man on the left, Mike, and no-name on the right release me as soon as we are inside the room. Not even giving me a chance at freedom, they rush out, and the door slams shut behind them.

Dang it.

I sink down to my knees, trying to think of anything I could do. I'm in a dark room with seemingly nothing in it.

Maybe if I scavenged the corners I could find a crow bar or something. But then after I find one,

What am I going--

No way.

Looking behind me, I see rows upon rows of...clothes!

It might not be a way out but it's the next best thing!

I look down at myself, in the same clothes I had thrown on this morning. (White button down, and black jeans)
The White shirt stuck to all corners of my torso from the wet, and my jeans seemed heavier against my legs.

Yep. It's decided. I'm changing, right here. Right now.

I take this as my one chance at getting warm. Quickly, I strip out of my shirt, and (with a little bit of struggle) getting off my wet jeans.

I stare down at my boxer-briefs trying to decide if I should keep them on or get rid of them.

I decide to go with the latter of the two options.

So there I was, standing stark naked, trying to decide on what to wear.

Since it was dark in here, it was hard to tell the colouring of my clothes options but if I stood close enough, I could tell. Kinda

Okay, first let's look for underwear....

I slowly work my way through the clothes that are hung up.

No. I move to a different piece of clothing. Nope. And again. Is that even wearable? No--wait.

My hands land on what looks like a black pair of leggings. But the fabric it's made out of feels...amazing.

Maybe I could get away with going commando?

I slip on the black leggings and give a sigh of relief and contempt when I feel the warm material.

Wow. It feels good to be

Already feeling better, I get back to looking for more clothes.

First I pull out a long coat looking thing that I could only describe as looking like a pirate captain's clothing choice.

I instantly put that back. I don't want to be flashy.

Theres a shirt I pull out next that looked far to big on me. If I put it on, it would most likely end above the knees. Plus the white and red stripes weren't exactly speaking to me.

Why is everything I look at super frilly, or a dress?!

Maybe if I grab one of the dress ones and grab a belt to tie around the waist....

I grab a black long shirt that had jagged ends. Now that I have most of my new outfit done, I move onto the area where I see thin leather things hanging. Or, belts rather.

I take my time in inspecting each one until I'm down to about three.

The one with feathers? Oh, or the one that feels like leather but is about as thick at my forearm.

Ah! This thin brown one. At least, I think that's brown.

This one would fit the outfit rather nice right?

I grab the smaller belt and put it on.

My outfit was complete. Not only was I nice and warm, but I now looked decent!

Well, I might as well look for a pair of shoes while I'm at it. Mine were ruined thanks to the ocean. Plus I'm trapped in here and I have nothing better to do.

I crouch down to look beneath the clothes that were hung up.

To my dismay, they didn't have converse or vans. There was only Elf shoes.

Pointed shoes that looked like they were made out of hide. I mean, If that's the fashion then no one will judge, right?

I grab a pair that seemed like the right size and slip them onto my feet. As I get back up I gasp in surprise.

These are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn. What's on the inside? Fur? Foam? This is amazing!

I look back at the other pairs of elf shoes that lay in a pile. I'm so tempted to try on some more.

Hm? What's this?

Something beside the pile catches my eye.

A small black hat with a single feather sticking up from the side.

Right now I'm having one of those moments when you think 'wouldn't it be funny if'. You see, I think it'd be hilarious to see myself in a hat like that.

Well, it's my dream and I've had way worse things happen in dreams. Like walk into work in just underwear and the whole day no one says a thing until it was closing time.

I bend down to pick up the hat and place it atop my head. Boom! Outfit, complete!

My miniature celebration of self accomplishment was cut short when the door of the room I was in, swings open.

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