Captain Hook

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There were three things I processed once the door of the room I was in swung open.

First: yes! There's light!

Second: The man currently standing in the doorway looked scary as hell, despite his height.

Third: Finally seeing my outfit in the light for the first time I can now see that my leggings and tunic are both green, not black. Not a good green either. The leggings I had thought to be black were a dark military green while the tunic/dress thing was a light green.

My momentary fear of the man staring at me through the doorway was quickly dismissed when I continued to stare down at my clothes.

I do a small spin, trying to get a full image of myself. Are you fucking kidding me?! I look like a tall, tan, leprechaun!

I can't go out like this! This is so embarrassing!

"Oi! What are you doing in here?"

It was then that I chose to remember the situation I was in.

I hold up my hands defensively, my eyes still mainly focused on my fashion fail. "I-I-I wait!"

Wrong choice of words.

Suddenly the shorter man, wearing what I can only describe to be the cliche pirate captain outfit, struts up to me.

"Are you a spy for the Whitebeards?" The man asks cooly, but angrily.

"Huh?" I don't understand his question. Why would he call someone based on their beard color?

Suddenly the male lifts up his left hand and I let out a small yell when I see a large, silver, hook instead of fingers.

His hooked hand latches onto my belt, and he turns around to drag me from the room.

Despite his iron grip *no pun intended* I try to run in the opposite direction. Though, that made little difference. The shorter man succeeded in dragging me from the room and tossing me out onto the deck.

I try to catch my balance but flailing my arms did nothing to stop me from face planting on the ground.

The wooden boards scraped against my arms as I slid to a stop.

As I was about to get up I feel pressure on my head. he stepping on me?!

"Get the fuck off!" I squirm underneath his feet but yet again, I can't do a thing.

"Captain! Wait!" The familiar, but faint, voice yells.

"What?!" He snaps.

"He's not a spy for the White Beards! He's with me!" Even though I couldn't turn my head to see, I now realised who was speaking.

"Tinker bell! Thank god!"

Silence. "Hello?" Still no one speaks.

Instead I'm greeted with a low chuckle, the foot on my head disappearing. "Your name is...tinker bell?" I roll over onto my back before sitting up, rubbing the back of my head.

Armin face palms himself before letting out a sigh. "No, my name is Armin. Why would I--what type of name is Tinkerbell?"

"If it's not that, then why did this brat call you it?"

"I...good question."

"Tch." The guy who seemed to be lashing out at everyone bends down, grabbing the collar of my shirt, and yanking me up to my feet.

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