Lost Boys

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"Do you have everything?" Armin asks, fluttering beside my head.

I look down at the bag of food--or in this case, nothing--and sling it over my shoulder. "I guess."

The Pirates, who I later found out were called the Survey Corps, were kind enough to send us off with food, and a small row boat so I wouldn't have to swim back to shore.

Walking over to the rope net leading down to the smaller boat beside the main ship, I release a sigh.

I turn to Armin before speaking. "Do we have to go?"

Armin chuckles at my question. Though, I don't see what's so funny about it. "Don't worry! We'll be coming back plenty more times. Captain sent me off to go collect something again, so if we find it we can come back." I liked the thought of what he said, but there was a small catch.

"Woah, woah, woah." I hold up a finger in an assertive way. "I thought you said after we delivered those tinkering bells you'd help me get back home."

Armin averts his gaze, his smile faltering. "Ah...I will get you home but...I sort of need you around."

Why would someone need me out of all people?! "Care to elaborate?"




"Guess I'll just have to find someone else to lead me back then." I cross my arms, and turn away.

"...Fine! I always go on these quests alone and have no friends other than the Pirates! I just want you to come along because...your the first company I've had in a while." He looks down at the ground, his cheeks dusting pink from embarrassment.

I blink a couple of times at his response. I...was not expecting that.

Looking at the miniature blond, I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. I release a sigh, giving into the pressure. "You know what? Fine. I...I'll follow you around a bit longer."

"Really?! Thanks, Eren!"

I chuckle slightly when the short blond attempts at hugging me. "Where are we headed first?"

"Well, to retrieve what Captain wants, we have to visit a few people. They have the supplies we need."

"So there are other people here?"

"More like children...but yes."

I can't help but furrow my eyebrows out of confusion. Why would a bunch of kids have what we need?

"It's a group of about six boys...we'll find them pretty easily though since they always seem to be getting lost in the same parts of the forest."

"A group of lost boys, huh? Sounds interesting..."

Armin giggles beside me, "Yep, they are." Fluttering up onto the green hat that still sat atop my head, Armin points ahead. "Go straight this way and we'll be there in no time!"


"What...was that...no time...you were talking...about?!" I say between heavy breaths.

We've been walking for what feels like hours! Wait, correction. I've been walking for what feels like hours. Armin has just been comfortably hitching a ride in my hat!

"Don't worry! We're almost there!" He giggles.

"You said that like twenty minutes ago!" I stop walking to catch my breath, finally giving my legs a break.

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