Helping Hands

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"Alright, listen here ya weirdo," one of the younger siblings steps out from behind the eldest, pointing a finger at me. "You're obviously on something."

Scrunching her freckled nose and crossing her arms over her chest, she glares at me. "First off, I'm still confused as to how you got up here; we're three stories up! And second, your shadow can't just leave."

I agree with everything she says. I have no clue how any of this actually played out, but here I am.

I take a step toward the three, who stood still. "Listen, I just need to find--"

"Hey!" The same freckled girl from before lashes out, taking several steps backward, to cling onto her younger sister. "Don't come any closer to her."

Her protective facade melting instantly, she squeezes the younger blond in a tight hug, cooing her softly. "Marry me when we're older, okay?"

Looking around awkwardly I try to ignore the fact that they're...sisters and one of them....

Moving on! "So, uh, what are your names? I was really hoping you'd help me find my shadow," if it's even possible.... "But I can't do that without knowing who you are."

The one I guessed to be the oldest steps forward, adjusting her scarf. "I'm Wendy Mikasa Ackerman. But call me Mikasa."

The freckled girl, still clinging onto her sister speaks next. "I'm John Ymir. Don't call me John." She mutters, squinting her eyes at me.

"And this here," Ymir continues, ruffling the smallest sister's hair. "Is Michael Krista. Just call her Krista."

I furrow my brows in slight confusion. "Um. Why do only you two have..."

Ymir cuts me off, shrugging her shoulders. "Eh, parents wanted two boys."

Theres the end of that then.

Clearing my throat, I look between the three girls. "Well, I'm Eren Jaeger. Current, but temporary, resident of Neverland."

I couldn't hide the cringe that happened as soon as the words left my mouth. I was starting to sound more and more insane by the minute.

I receive unamused faces as a response from all but the youngest, Krista.

"Really?!" She exclaims, running up to me with wide eyes.

I noticed now that Krista hugged a stuffed bear to her chest and I can't help but sigh at her innocence. So cute...!

"Is that why you're dressed funny?" I tense at her words.

Shit! I totally forgot about my cringe worthy clothes since no one had commented on them. "Y-yeah...its considered pretty normal in Neverland." I struggle to say.

Krista gasps. "Can I go! I wanna see other goofy people." She laughs.

Her smile must be contagious because I find myself smiling back at her words. "Of course! If I can find my sha--"

"If Krista's going, then I am too!" Ymir exclaims suddenly.


The three of us turn to the oldest sister, who speaks up. " do we know you can be trusted? Technically you broke in; I can get rid of you."

My eyes widen. Going based off the hand hidden behind her back, I had a feeling 'get rid of you' didn't exactly mean calling for help....

"I-I swear I have no ill intentions!" I put my hands up defensively, taking a step back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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