chapter 2-

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To my munchkin

I love you so much to the moon and back again over a thousand times and I have written this to you because it would be better than someone telling you or you never finding out but I have something very important to tell you.
This is going to come as a big shock to you and you will get angry or anything but happy but just don't stop reading the letter until the end it will explain it please.

Well not long before I met your mum about a year a little longer or maybe a little less I was with another woman we loved each other and well she fell pregnant and before she had the baby I met your mum I loved her more I know it sounds bad but you may understand when you're older.
I left her to be with your mum but I still payed to help out with that baby I've met him at least once a week so its not like I just left him with no father, I have kept this a secret from not only you but everyone I've ever known who didn't know about my relationship with the other woman it just makes things so much easier we had totally different parenting styles I just don't think it would have worked out but I'm happy for it because I have an amazing daughter who I love so much, the baby was a boy and he is 17 nearly 18 now and his name is Luke Hemmings so he is not much older than you. I would love it if you meet with him this is his number please call him and plan to meet up 0420015707 if you don't want to do it well at least do it for me or don't but like I have said I love you so dearly.

Love you so much from your very handsome and charming father

I finished the letter with a little giggle before putting it down on the table still not being able to proses anything but I still understand everything. I glance at the number wondering if anyone would pick up if I rang it. Then I started to think what does he look like? What does he sound like? Or does he know about me? Then I stop my thoughts and I feel guilt rush through me. My dad just died and I'm thinking about someone else I just I don't know, I look down at the number once again and I feel like I should call him he is his dad as well. So I work up the courage and do it. I get my phone from my pocket and dial the number. Will he pick up? Will I even be able to speak to him?

'Beep beep'
"Please don't answer" I keep saying in my head. Than it stopped

"Hello?" a relatively deep voice spoke from other end of the phone, I couldn't say anything I tried nothing came out "Who is this?" he asks, "It's Ivy" I finally get out. I just hear a gasp "Ivy is that really you?" he knows who I am and I don't know who he is "Yes" "How did you get my number and where's dad?" he asks sounding confused. Now I know he doesn't know about dad and I just felt my eyes fill up " don't know?" I ask "I don't know what" "Dad is dead" it's weird saying dad died not my dad "How?" "I'm not sure myself all I know is it had something to do with bone cancer" and then I start crying forgetting I'm on the phone to someone.

I stop myself crying and hear him sniffling in the background "Are you ok?" I ask not knowing what else to say to a complete stranger "No not really" "I understand" I say trying to keep things short other whys I would start crying again "Hey um do you mind if I call you back I need to call my mum?" he asks after a few moments of silence "Sure" then the phone went silent and I put it down.

After about 10 minutes my phone started to ring, I pick it up and hold it to my ear "Hey um I'm just quickly calling you to let you know that I can't talk for long but I'm happy you called and I'm happy you found out about me its making things easier knowing I have someone going through the exact same thing as me" and then he stops talking "Same to you" I say but I don't mean it. How can he possible know what I'm going through he didn't live with him he had other people other than just 2 people in his life "I have to go" I say then quickly hanging up.

I get up needing to go outside for some fresh air and clear my head I open the door and step out and see Troian and her mum sitting there. "I'm just going to get some fresh air ok" I say so quietly and they both look up at me with them eyes of pity and unhappiness "I'm coming with you" Troian says getting up and following after me. We are walking down the corridor and she just grabs my hand and squeezes it "I may not understand this but I can help you through this" and I just squeeze her hand back signing that I know. We get out the front and sit on a chair overlooking the car park I take a few deep breaths and just look at my hands wanting to cry but I don't think I can.

"Troian I don't think I can do this" I say looking up at her and she looks at me " I don't think I can go on through life with out him" "Yes you can and you will" I look back down just thinking to myself I can't but I want to " I have a brother" I say after about 5 minutes of silence "You have a brother?" "Yeah I do" I look at her "I hope he is hot" I just chuckle that's one of the many things I love about her she always makes people laugh "I mean it."

It's been a few hours and we can finally leave the hospital "Ok I'm going to drop you and Troian off at your house and pick some stuff up and then I will be at your house how does that sound?" she asks "Ok I guess" I respond

Going home to an empty house and knowing that dad's not going to be coming home late from work tonight or ever and my heart just drops but I don't feel like crying right now even though I feel like I could never stop.

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