chapter 12-

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After a couple more hours I was now being woken up by, as I would think Andy pushing my shoulder "hey wake up were here" he says "ok" I say sitting up doing a stretch. I hop out of the car and walk to the boot to get my bags out, I pick It up and walk to the front door and try and find my keys after about a minute of looking I found them, got them out, opened the door and I walked inside.

"Ok so I will show you where you can sleep" I say to Andy than started to walk of, Andy following "ok so this is where you will be sleeping" I say as I open the door and turning the light on "and down the hall to the right is the linen cubed with towels and that stuff and next to your room is the bathroom" I add on "ok thanks" he says walking in and placing the bags on the end of the bed "just make yourself at home" I say as I walk out, going to get my bags to start unpacking.

"Hey Andy are you hungry" I yell down the hallway "yes starving" he yells back I walk out of my room and down to the spare room "well I don't have any food here that's good so if you can, can you drive to like McDonnell's or something" I ask "um yeah sure just tell me where to drive" he says back "ok lets go"

We just got back from getting food, we are sitting in the living room eating and talking than my phone buzzed I just ignored it than it buzzed again.
I looked at my phone that was closer to Andy and I want to grab it but he got to the phone before I did.

"Give it" I say to Andy with a stern voice holding out my hand "no" he says then held to the phone up so he could see the screen "who the hell is saying this stuff" he asks getting serious "its nothing" I say "this doesn't look like nothing" he says "how long as this been going on for" he asks "about a week well since we went to the shops... its nothing new they have done it before" I say picking up my drink and taking a skull "why do they keep saying fake accounts and shit" he asks "they think that I made fake accounts because you and the boys added me on Facebook" I try and explain, looking down at my hands "just ignore them" he says

"What do you think I have been doing? I've tried but they don't ever go away " I say looking up at Andy "are you ok" he asks

"Well I have had to deal with this for a while now so I've learnt how to deal with it" I explain putting on a smile "ok well let me turn this phone of, when we finish are food than we can go watch a movie how dose that sound" he asks "yeah that's sound good" I say picking my burger up and taking the last few bites

The next day

I woke up at around 10am and went downstairs to find Andy sitting at the bench
"hey" I say "morning" he says "what do you want to do today" I Ask sitting next to him "we should go for a walk" he says "exercise really... but sure" I say "ok I will go and get ready" he says putting his cup down and walking of to the spare room

I looked for something to eat well there was nothing so I just had a cup of tea, I made it than walked to my room and started getting ready. By started I mean pick some clothes out, bushing my hair and teeth. I went threw my closet to try and find something to wear I found a black hoodie, denim jeans and well black high top converse. I put them on and walked down the hallway into the living room and Andy was sitting down waiting for me.

"Ready to go" I say "yep" he answers getting up. We walked out of the front door I locked it and we started walking in the direction of the park
"where are we going" Andy asks "we are going to the park its about another minutes walk" I answer. We get to the park and we sit down after about 5 minutes I see 3 girls walking I can't see their faces but as they get closer I can make out who they are

"Hey Andy can we go somewhere else" I ask "we pretty much just got here" Andy says "lets just go" I say grabbing his wrist and pull him along "leave the poor guy alone Ivy" I hear one of the girl say "just do..." I didn't finish because Andy did what I didn't want him to do, turn around

"just leave it" I say trying to pull him along "I'm sorry for this she is kind of crazy" Sophia says "and you are" Andy asks "you must be new considering your hanging with her well I'm Sophia, that's Bianca and that's Regina" she explains pointing to the girls "oh your them girls" Andy says "my sister has told me"
no I haven't what is he saying "Hahaha your her brother oh I'm so sorry for you" she says and all the girls start giggling "and have you been getting them messages" she asks me
"yes now just piss off" I say pretty loud "see she is crazy" Sophia says "well we should go but I didn't catch your name" "yeah that's because I didn't tell you" Andy says, putting his arm around my shoulders and walking me back home

We are back home sitting in the living room "why are they even popular they are mean and might I add ugly" Andy says making me giggle "that's what I've been thinking" "how did you know it was them sending the messages" "because of the way you acted and the way they acted it was not that subtle Ivy" he explains
"Oh ok"

'Knock knock'

"Coming" I yell, I walked up to the door and swung it open and Troian rapped her arms around me "hey" I say trying to get out of her grip "I missed you" she says letting go "I missed you to" I say back "how was your brothers house" she asks "was it as bad as you thought it would be and who's car is that" "um we.." I start to speak than Andy came in "hi I'm Andy Ivy's brother" he says walking up to Troian and holding out his hand, instead she pulled him in for a hug 'omg he is so hot' she mouthed to me.

She pulled away "we have met" she tells him "ohsorry I'm not quit good with names and faces" he tells her "well you will beseeing a lot of me" "Troian... anyways whydid use decide to go back home when use have a whole house here you could havestayed " I ask her "well the other family needed help with the baby sitting andstuff"     

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