chapter 17-

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Well today is the last day I have until I go back to hell I'm so exited... 'not'.

I just don't understand how Andy can be so exited about going back to school its the worst place ever and I would burn it down if I could. He is always saying I can't wait or he loves going back to school like was this kid dropped on his head as a baby or something.

"Well what you thinking about" Andy says as he sat down next to me snapping me out of my thoughts "School and trying to work out how you can be so excited going back to school" I reply "Well I get to see all my friends and I'm pretty smart so school is easy for me you should be fine this school is good" he tells me and I find that hard to believe "I'm pretty sure you have told me that but it's easy for you to say it's like putting a brick in water and telling it not to sink" I tell him and a confused look grows on his face "ok so it's like me going to school and be happy and exited it just dose not work that way Andy" I explain

"Oh ok I get it now anyways the boys are coming over to practise your welcome to hang out with us if you want" he tells me "Na I'm right I'm just going to go talk to Troian" I say standing up and walking to my room "and not everyone is like you Ivy some people do like going to school" Andy says as I walk away

"So Troian how you been" I ask "I've been good but I have something to tell you" "yeah sure what is it" "well I kind of went to the party the girls invited me to... I'm sorry Ivy don't hate me" "I cant hate you Troian your my best friend but don't leave me for them" I tell her
"I promise I wont well I got to go I have home work to do talk later" Troian says "ok well I have to start my new school tomorrow so I should make sure I got everything ready bye love you" I say than hung up.

I'm currently just sitting in my room putting on a facemask and Andy knocks on the door

"Come in" "your learning" I say with a little giggle as he came in and sat on my bed "what are you doing" he asks "putting on a face mask ... do you want me to put some on you" I asks "Na I'm good" "come on it wont hurt" "no the boys will laugh at me" "no they wont" "yes they will' "just do it I will force them to do one if they do" "fine"

Andy sat there letting me apply the face mask than the boys arrived "Andy the boys are here" Joyce yells up the stares "can you just tell them to come to Ivy's room" Andy yells back "yeah sure" than the boys knocked on the door "come in" I say "oh my god Andy what do you have on your face " Theo says "now you have to put it on you " "no your not" "yes you do" I tell him "and any of you find it funny I will make you put it on"

5 minutes later we are all sitting in my room with all of us with face mask on never would I have thought I would be sitting in a room with four boys with face mask so I grabbed my phone a snuck a pic

"Hey I saw that" Billy says "you better not put that anywhere or else"
"or else what " I ask "I don't know I just wanted to say it" "Haha ok but I cant post it on anything" "how long until we can take this of because quite frankly I fell less of a man and its ruining my self a steam" Myron asks "I always forced dad to do one with me" and as soon as I said that I instantly felt my eyes fill up with water and a tier fell down my face "um I will be back" I say getting up and walking into the bathroom

It was 5 minutes before I herd a knock at the door

"What" I ask "Can I come in" the person asks "Fine" I said trying to wipe the tiers off my face "Hey don't please don't cry" Andy says giving me a hug "I j-just cant everything is moving way to fast its just h-hit me I c-cant do this Andy" I say felling my eyes fill up with water again "its ok Ivy I can help you threw this" Andy says, us still in a hug "I don't know what I would do without you at the moment" I say "Ivy that means a lot" Andy says "I just really think I need to be by myself for a little bit" I say as I walked into my room Andy following "hey guys can use please leave" I asking trying not to burst out crying,. I jumped on my bed forgetting I still have the facemask on and pushing my face in one of my pillows.

I laid there for half an hour just thinking what my life would be like now if I wasn't who I was, if I wasn't the shy girl who everyone hates, if I wasn't that girl who was wearied, just if that one thing never happened. Just if my dad never died. Than someone knocked on the door. "Please go away" I say covering my face with a pillow "Ivy darling please let me in" Joyce say so softly "come in" I say, Joyce came in and sat at my feet on the end of the bed

"Yes" I say "darling its ok I get your sad and maybe angry but please calm down and look at me" "I'm sorry" I say sitting up "oh darling you have your facemask all of your pillows and its smudged on your face.. Be right back" Joyce left and then a few minutes later she came back with a wet cloth "here you go" she says handing me the cloth "thanks" I say taking it from her hand

"he is really upset you know" Joyce tells me "why" "because he sees you hurting and its hurting him" "I've never noticed" I say looking down "yeah he is really good at hiding his emotions" Joyce explains "one thing you need to remember that it wasn't just your dad it was his as well" she says, giving me a hug then walking out

I got up and decided to have a shower I grabbed my stuff and as I was about to walk into the bathroom Andy walks into his room "Andy" I call, I don't think he herd me. The boys must of just went home I thought to myself.

Its now 6 and I'm just about to go knock on Andys bedroom door. I knock three times and wait for him to say come in "Hey Andy" I say sitting on the end of his bed "hey" he says quietly It was an awkward silence for about 30 seconds till me both said something

"Hey look at me" I say as I walk over to him and give him a hug "what's that for" he asks "I keep forgetting he was your dad as well and keep making you deal with all my problems and not asking you about how you are" I explain "did mum tell you" "yeah if she didn't come and talk to me I probably wouldn't have noticed" "well can we talk about feelings another time and you are going to play with me" he says handing me an Xbox controller. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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