Raven Fate Rebirth

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The pen scratched against the paper, creating small, strange letters, forming the signature of the person who was signing the documents. A woman who appeared to be in her early twenties straightened up from over the papers while clicking the pen closed. She had jet black hair that went a little bit farther than her shoulders with crimson eyes that held an introspective, impassive look. Her skin was fair and her figure was slim, showing off in the Victorian-modern dress she was wearing. She lightly tapped the tip of her worn black ankle lace-up boots which contrasted the black and white striped stockings.

"Thank you, Miss Swift, for agreeing to these papers and signing them," The receptionist thanked her in a stern manor and added, trying to make her feel better, "Trust us. It’s for the sake of everyone."

That bit sounded mocking, like they were all playing a joke on her. The receptionist then set off the turn the papers to the head of Dispatch. Eclaire Swift only looked at her in disappointment; she was too distraught to be angry, but she would've at least thought they'd act 'human' for once, and leave the subject at rest. But apparently she wasn't worth enough to be treated humanely.

"I-I’m so, so, SO sorry E-Eclaire!" A woman sobbed. The woman sounded nasally from her crying. She had short, silver, choppy hair. She was in a dress that was stressed in the chest area with an apron on. The outfit was of a maid or servant, which was the occupation she held. A lone Shinigami guard stood next to her, weapon ready. "Some-something...p-possessed me to d-do it! I-I swear! D-doesn't anyone b-believe me?!"

"It is okay, Eirith. I believe you," Eclaire said, smiling with a look of sympathy. She knew how it felt to betray someone. Eclaire also knew how it felt to be framed for something when she was innocent. Eirith managed a small smile of hope before collapsing into despair -- sobbing and heaving uncontrollably. Eirith was escorted, though more forcibly, out of the lobby with her sobs forming cries of protest. The silvered haired woman wanted to be with the other woman, for she wanted to make up for the precious item she had lost. Eirith knew it was most important to her.

Eclaire watched her being carried out, helplessly. She then looked around the lobby, standing still as a statue. People were giving her looks filled of distrust, hate, and even glimpses of fear. The area around her remained empty, people avoiding it like it was fire. Her kind was never trusted, especially by these people. But her eyes looked ahead, not meeting these gazes. She was too in thought of how close she had been to being labeled a criminal. How close could she continue to make it throughout her life? The blade had come so close to her skin but still only managed to cut a few hairs.

"Miss Swift," Said a man's voice, and she turned to see who had addressed her.

"What is it? I signed the papers already," She said with little patience. Criminal treatment had already come in many forms today, more blatantly than usual. Eclaire let her voice drip with venom. When did they ever show respect anyway? She was allowed to speak in whatever tone she pleased.

 In front of her were two Shinigami and her boss, William T. Spears. One of the two accompanists had blonde hair with a curl that looked like a sickle and blue eyes. While the other had blue hair that was a dull navy – the color only barely noted in the light. The blonde looked at her with a look that could kill. Eclaire could feel something nasty coming towards her.

"You have the audacity to speak to us with such venom? What you were doing was illegal! The Council should’ve sentenced you to death, but here you stand because of us,” He stressed, sounding quite irritated. Eclaire could practically see the heavy German accent.

Eclaire's gaze hardened; she wasn’t in the mood for this. And most definitely, she was not going to praise Spears. "The one who should be afraid is you," She objected, as her venom-coated voice became laced with hypnotic vibes. The glow of her eyes increased slightly, and her pupils reduced to slits. She swore she heard his heart skip ever so slightly. Even only a slight reaction was as rewarding as full-fledged panic to her. "Swift, behave yourself and quit torturing Keinz," William T. Spears commanded the demon woman. To Keinz' surprise, she stopped. Eclaire rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

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