Raven Fate Rebirth | Chapter 7

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Eclaire sat in her chair, head on her desk while playing with a pen boredly. She dully stared at the pen as she twriled it around her fingers like a little baton. Reading report after report was tiring and she was supposed to get one from Ryana today. But she was to lazy to go kick that paper out of that unproductive red head. That was a possiblity, she could go kick Grell. Oh who was she kidding? She was even too lazy to go hurt Grell, one of her favorite activities. Instead she started to list the characteristics of her pen in her mind for the millionth time.

A brisk knock on her door sent her out of her thoughts immeadiately a minute later though. Eclaire jumped while knocking over a stack of books on her desk. She winced slightly when she heard the sound of the impact on the tile floor as she picked up her pen again. The demon girl readjusted herself and brushed her hair out of her face only to have it fall back into her vision when she pretended to resume writing something important.

"Come in," She said in a fake irratated voice which hid her embaressment and urge to stutter at being caught off gaurd very well. The ebony door silently opened and was close in the same manner carefully by no other than the blue haired shinigami, Adolf Watchmen.

"I'm sorry if i caught you at a bad time Miss Swift but i thought you would have wanted to see this letter immeadiately," Adolf explained, handing over the clean white letters. Eclaire slowly took the letters from his gloved hands. She turned it over calmly in her hand to see the maroon colored seal vividlu standing out against the white paper. The Mizuken Star, the  symbol of the Mizuken family. The Mizuken family was Lord Lucifer's brothers and sisters who ruled the land with him and his own daughter Ashlyn V. Mizuken. Eirith Nosvitche was a very close to being considered as a member of the Mizuken family, she was their servant who had been serving them long before Ashlyn was born.

Eclaire picked up one of her pearl white knives to remove the seal. Once it was broken, she switched her thinking to Hellian and began to read  Lord Lucifer's small hand writting. After she finished the letter the turned to look up seriously at the cerulean haired man.

"Adolf...Contact Ashlyn for me," She commanded. He nodded dutifuly at her and sent out to pass the information through Eirith to Ashlyn.

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