Time of The Month

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I was sleeping on the couch because Lauren didn't want me in the bed with her while she was on her period.I could hear her going to different rooms in the house and moaning like she was in s much pain.I decided on going into the room when she stopped moving around possibly lying down watching T.V. I walked in and saw her lying in the most uncomfortable position ever.I tried stifling my laugh but it just turned into a snort and she popped right up.

"Stop laughing it's the only way I won't feel my pussy pain!"She said laying back down I just climbed in right behind her and straddled her in my lap.

"No I can't."She tried to get out of my grasp but I just held her even tighter and started to kiss her neck softly making her moan while I sucked on her neck making her scratch my thigh sending a shiver down my spine.

"Y/N w-we can't maybe later next week babe?" I just left another hickey on her neck and leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

"Or maybe now?"I said with a smirk I got up and went to lock the door because knowing Camila she will probably come in see us and then go hide somewhere.

I went over to the bed while taking off my shirt slowly making her lick her lips in delight.

"Glad I changed your mind!"

I jumped on the bed kissing all over her face and pinning her arms above her head I went down to the bottom of her shirt and the tip of her shorts and I pulled them off with teeth revealing her black underwear but even if it was black I could see that gigantic wet stain I took that off with my tongue revealing her soaking center.Before I could I go back she flipped us over and sat on my lap while taking off her shirt.

I was reaching for her breast when she swatted my hands away opening her top drawer revealing 10 packs of condoms.

Damn we gone get it after she off her period!

She laughed and removed my shorts leaving me in my under wear I flipped us back over and took the condom from her hand with my mouth.I could hear the other girls waking up so I was glad when I realized I locked the door.I was grinding my clothed crotch against her uncovered now Atlantic ocean feeling and smelling pussy. Every time I would grind on her my pants would get wetter and wetter.I took my pants off and threw them across the room and flipped us over so she was on top again.

She took my boxers off and my excited "little me" sprang free.She stared in awe as she ripped the condom open and placed on my now 13 inch full on hard penis and switched positions again.

Third person

As Y/N was back on top they were too caught in the moment to realize that Dinah and Normani had picked the lock and placed a camera on the side dresser so they can catch every minute of it in Normani's room where they set it up to where it was a live camera.The Norminah ship had went back to her room and sat in the bed amazed as Lauren and Y/N switched positions s many times.


Lauren was now kissing me and her breast were in my face so I took one nipple in my mouth while massaging the other one with my other hand hearing her moan.I felt a sharp pain and realized Lauren was no longer kissing me but biting the tip of my member.

"Lauren the condoms on I don't w-w-want you t-t-t-to g-g-g-get FUCK IT!"I thrusted my hips causing it to go in her mouth and she smiled but then realized that we were screaming she turned on her music and put it on blast and screamed at the top of her lungs

"Y/N DANCE WITH ME!" She said winking and getting back on top she positioned the now fully throbbing cock at entrance glancing at me then the size before slamming herself up then down over and over again.I couldn't take I flipped us over without coming out of her put both her legs on my shoulder and slammed into her making a clap sound with every slam there was a moan and she finally came but it wasn't normal cum it was blood .

"FUCK I AM SO SORRY Y/N!"She started crying but I kissed her and went back down to her thighs.I licked her clean got some new clothes from my dresser when I saw a camera and a red light on it meaning it was recording.I looked at the door to see it was now unlocked with a hairpin on the ground.

"Lauren I think they made a sextape of us!"She was still crying so I went to brush my teeth and found her not in the bed. I went searching for her only to see Dinah holding her upside down by her leg.


"Ally you may come from under the covers now the movie s over."

Aw shit!

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