The Donor

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"Lauren I love you and I will be right there beside you the whole way through okay babe?!"I told my girlfriend of 4 years who is now going to undergo heart surgery.

"I love you too!"She broke down in tears and held me closer.

"Am I going to die?"She asked while I wiped her tears away,I paused and looked at her weirdly.

"No baby of course not why would you even ask that?"I asked on the brim of tears

"I don-"We were cut off by doctors coming in.

"Ms. Jauregui it's time for your operation."I kissed Lauren's lips one last time before heading out.

"I got to go to my operation now Mike I'll possibly be back when Lauren wakes up!"I walked away before he could say anything.

3 Hours Later

Lauren's POV

I was finished with the surgery but Y/N was nowhere to be seen.My dad walked in after about 10 minutes.

"Dad where's Y/N?"I asked as the rest of my family walked in but still without her.

"Baby we need to talk."My mom said

"W-why what happened?"I started crying

"What happened to Y/N?"

"Who do you think gave you the transplant?" I felt more tears coming out of eyes and a few laughs around the room.

"Yeah Lauren didn't that man from McDonald's give it to you?"I stopped crying but started hiccuping and looked up to see Y/N in a wheelchair.

"YOU FUCKING SICK BITCH ASS BASTARDS GO TO HELL!!!"I yelled out as they started laughing again.

"Babe I got to tell you something!"She looked down nervously


"I got AIDS...."

"OMG we had sex last night when did yo-"

"Just Kidding!!!"My parents started laughing

She turned over a bit and retrieved a cup of a milky white substance

"We're approved to have a baby, I got the bone marrow and everything it's mixed with a little of you and a bit of me s-"

I cut her off with a kiss and took the cup from her hands.

"Sucks I can't swallow these babies!"

"Yeah because your Dad put some of his sperm up in that so the baby could get some "Jauregui Genes", looks like your stuck with mah juices and your fingers!"


"Hey your dad chipped in so he's also a donor that's cool two donors in one day!"

"Dork Ass!"

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