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Good or bad, i will never change my past til this day. My past defines who I am today.

Detective Stevans boot squash on the smear blood on the floor as he examine the bodies laying on the marble floor. When he entered the three story house the door was open wide. Once you got in the yard you could see two bodies laying on the floor.

Grabbing his notepad he scribble down all the things he spot was relevant.
"We have a pulse on this one." His partner Kenda said.

Stevans slip his pad back in his large pockets and came to the side of his partner. The woman was laying there in a pool of blood. Hers and the man laying next to her.

"Maybe married?" Kenda ask.
"Just because they are holding hands doesn't mean they are married. Probably lovers. Whatever it is. It sure as hell is toxic." Stevans said.

Squatting down Det. Stevans place his hand on the man's cold neck and shook his head. "He's gone. Back up is sure taking a long time to come." He huff.

Kenda chuckled to himself. Both brothers loved their job with a passion but hated the tears of the decease love ones. But they was use to delivering bad news to families especially their families.

"While we are here carefully check pockets of both victims for identification. The old lady who tried to talk across the street ran in her house like she witness it all." Kenda said.

"No need the residents who live here are Elizabeth and Mike Kane. And that man there is not Mike Kane. And make a mental note to question the neighbors." He shook his finger.

"You dont think-" Kenda started but was cut off by the sirens.

Backing up to let the ambulance do their job Kenda and his brother did a quick discussion and accusations. "No i dont think so. Mike's a lawyer he knows the law." Stevans said .

"I know law too but still smoking weed mostly everyday. And this look like a love affair went wrong. We can disagree but we have 1 dead body, one person who might not make it and a killer out on the loose. So arguing wont make things any better. We are gonna rule this as a homicide. A love homicide" Kenda said stamping his paper.

Stevans nodded his head in agreement and rub his hands together. "Anything that look useful put it in the evidence bag. Also see if you can find the weapon that was use if any. Also get your camera out and take pictures so in the lab we can get a closer look. Also make sure the police put the tape outside of the house so noome will trespass."

"Damn all that by myself. What you going to be doing? Shitting? " He ask.
"Coffee break and trying to find the decease man's name. That's important now. Got to get in contact with his family and break the news." Stevans told his brother.

He nodded his head that was the important thing. Seeing the two bodies today brought a cold feeling down Kenda's spine. He remembered seeing his sister gun down in his own front lawn. She was killed by their father after he rape her. He lost two people that year his sister and his father. His dad died in prison from hanging himself once he realized what he have done to his little girl. Thats the day he realized that he was living in a cold war but he had to keep on moving.

Kenda and Stevans was different. Stevans was the take charge type of guy while Kenda was soft and lay back but hard in many other things. But that was a story for another time. During their sister's funeral Kenda cried, couldn't even hold his mama as he past out on the floor questioning God. Stevans hold his mama while staring at the open casket. Getting into law enforcement work brought back memories but also peace for them.


My chest went up and down as lights flash in my face. I could hear all types of commotion going on but i couldn't respond. I couldn't believe Mike shot me, why would he do that? He loves me why will he try to kill me. I know i wanted to leave him but that wasn't a good reason.

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