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Funeral.. R. i. P Elizabeth Monroe Kane 🙏
Nomatter how you feel , speak the word of your life and you WILL be heal ..

All eyes were on me as I walked in with shakles on my feet and two officers on my left. Liz fathered eyed me as tears rain down his face making me look away. I wouldn't blame him if he blame Liz's death on me. Fuck that wife swap.

I was seated in the front row with the immediate family. On my right was Liz father, her great aunt, her mother's sister, their close family. On my left was Kendall and their child. I didn't bothered turning around. The church was pack it was even getting film as a Wife Swap memory.

Looking over I watch Detective Kendall cradled their child. That should have been me with our baby. Not him. If it wasn't for me pressuring her into doing the wife swap she would have still been alive.

I heard the officers behind me coughing and I remain silent. It wasnt the time nor eas it the place to be hollering. I watch as a faded purple casket came strolling in. Her picture was displayed on it. Purple and white drapes hung off it along with a towel of her pictures that stood before.

Her smiled made me frown. It was a smile I will never be able to see again. A laugh I will never get to hear again. A face I can only dream of. I felt the tears rushing right on que as the music started playing.

The softness of their voices did something to me. Sent chills down my back. How could all of this be gone in a matter of seconds. How could you argue with someone and not apologize tomorrow. How can you make love to a body that no longer responds to you. That sensation , that spark, doesn't even roll nomore.

As the opening song played tears bwgun rolling down my cheeks and my voice begun to crack as i sang along.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work
No weapon formed against me shall prosper, it won't work

God will do what He say He would do
He will stand by His word
And He will come through
God will do what He say He would do
He will stand by His word
And He will come through

God will do what He said He would do
He's not a man that He should lie
He will come through
God will do what He said He would do
He will stand by His word
He will come through

Oh I won't be afraid of the arrows by day
From the hand of the enemy
I can stand my ground with the Lord on my side
For the snares they have set will not succeed


Don't be afraid
Of the arrows or the snares
Set by your enemies
If you believe it say, ooo, Ooo

There just ain't one,
There just ain't one weapon, no
There just ain't one
There just ain't one weapon, no

"We wil not call this a funeral we will call this a homegoing." The pastor said.
We wasnt the type to go to church every Sunday and Saturday night. But when we do go it was out of respect and holiness.

"Elizabeth has live her life and she has live it well. She may have left early , but on God time she left on time. I know you maybe hurt right now and I know you may be at your worse. But God has gain an angel , one you can call yours. Weep now but pick it up tomorrow. She's in a better place. This young lady is soaring higher than any of us in here. Worry nomore, she has given her life to God and will be rewarded. 2-Peter1:11 , says And God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The same gates he was talking about was the same gates that was open for Elizabeth. I dont know her past and I don't know her story. But what I do know was a chosen one. And a chosen one is perfect in the eyes of the Lord. Don't cry for her, cry for yourself. She is at ease with the lord. As on Earth as it is in heaven. Its easy for me to give you a sermon but heard for you to understand. God doesn't watch you die, he watch you come to him. If its not with God then there is nothing greater to come." He said.

Half of the time i tune him out thinking of me going back to prison touching a book at the chapel. I know they say not to question God , but it's hard not to. Seems to me I borrowed my wife, and borrowing was not something I wanted to do. How could she promise me another life time, but not be here to live it? How can she love me when she wasn't here. How could she just leave and not fight harder. Why at this moment I'm questioning God and my belief of heals is not answer ..

Short chapter !! The shortest of all ..
The reason I couldn't finish this chapter was for personal reasons. It ends like any other funeral , broken hearts, questionable minds, etc. Please forgive me. Peace be upon you all .. I promise the next chapter will be waaay better !!

Also a new book is written Called Imprisoned ' 🤓🤓❣️🤘👉🚪

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