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I rather die than not try

Short Chapter!!
A n t

Make sure you kill the bitch
Mike's word ranged in my ear as I fed my son. Yeah he was bout 7 years old but i miss a lot of his life. Shit sad when i had to explain to my son i was his daddy. And his only daddy. Little nigga was brain washed.

Looking up from the mess we made a smiling Keisha was lingering by the counter.
"Dont say shit to me." I told her.
When i got Juju back she wanted to be all up on a nigga dick and shit. She only spoke of our son one time and thats when i asked about him.

"You need to get over that shit. You got the little fucker back. Leave it to me i would have left his ass where he was." She said.

Getting up from the table I gave Juju the plastic spoon so he could feed himself while i tend to his dumb ass mama.

Walking into the living room I corner her. "Run that by me again?" I said.
"You heard what the fuck I said. If you didnt know I wasn't in a rush to get him back. He was in good hands." She said.

"Bitch your ass dont work for all state, fuck you mean? That's your fucking son. You push his ass out your damn pussy." I told her.

"You think i wanna take care of a bad ass boy all by myself. Nigga you aint gonna last a fucking month out here before your ass get toss back into the cell. I'm not about to let you get our hopes up. I really am not about to do that. Ant you the fucking problem. You and your goddamn son." She spat.

I had to back up so I wouldn't smack her ass in the wall. That was her fucking job to take care of her goddamn kid. "So you don't wanna be a mother nomore, huh? You wanna give up and shit. What, all you gotta do is making sure he is taking care of. You not the only woman who is doing that for her child or children. You a dumb bitch you know that." I told her.

"How about you leave and take him. I don't want his ass or yours." She told me.

By this time Juju was up from the table looking at us sideways woth tears in his eyes. He had the same look i had in my eyes when my dad knock my mama loose on the wall. But i wasnt about to knock Keisha especially not in front of our son. "That's what you want?" I ask her.
She shook her head and scowled at me. "Nigga that's what the fuck I need."

I nodded my head feeling my pager buzz on the side of my waist. Taking it off the clip I look at Keshia and she frown at me. "Nigga i aint surprise. Every argument you wanns run away like a little bitch. Nigga go to that bitch on your line. Or is it a nigga Ant?" She ask.

Ignoring her stupid ass I went into Juji room and grab him some clothes. I had a feeling if I leave his ass here his dumb mama would have put him in the oven to cook his ass and sale him.

Grabbing his clothes and stuffing it in his Spider-Man book bag I went to grab him. "You are not taking my son with you so you can get your dick wet." She yelled as I grab him.

"You don't even want him Keisha. Stop trying to show off and get your fucking life together for one time." I said.
Ignoring the fit she was throwing Juji and I went outside to my work Cab.

Looking across the street I expect to see Pam getting in her car around this time but didn't. Guess she was sick or something.

"You going with daddy to work, what you think about that? Meeting all these different people sounds good right?" I ask Juju looking in the rear view mirror.

Instead of replying to me he continue playing with his Nintendo game board. I pulled out the yard and head to Liz house. I wonder where she plan on going.

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