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"All Rise." The Bailiff spoke. Everyone rose in their seats besides the judge who remained seated looking at everyone.

"Department one of the superior court is now in session. Judge Yusho will be presiding take a seat please." He spoke.

Liz began wiggling in her seat as the judge stood up and introduced herself. Her eyes kept wondering looking for Kenda but he was nowhere to be found.

She saw Stevans so she knew whatever Kenda was doing wasn't work related.

Looking to her right she saw a teary eyed Pam. She felt bad for Pam but Pam didn't feel bad for her. Up closer to the judge was no other than bitch ass Mike just glowing like a mother fucker.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Im calling the case of the state of South Carolina vs Mike Kane." Judge Yusho began.

Mike looked stun at the case name but everyone else shrugged it off. He knew law more than anybody but wanted to play dumb. "Are both sides ready and prepared?" She questioned .

The district attorney and the public defenders both answered and she nodded.

Judge Yusho quietly absorb both parties and had a confused look on her face. "Pause for a minute." She said.

"Is there an issue your honor?" The clerk ask.

"Dont i know yall from somewhere?" She asked.

Liz face blush with embarrassment and so did Pam. Mike had an i dont give a fuck look but nodded.

"If im allowed to speak your honor?" Mike said.

"Ass kisser." Liz mumbled.

"Yes you may." Yusho said giving Liz a warning look.

"We participated in a TV show called Wife Swap. So yeah that is where you seen us from."

And also I am one of the highest lawyers in this town." Mike bragged .

"And you're on trial for murder?" Yusho asked shutting him up.

Seeing that everyone was lost for words the clerk spoke up. "Can we continue?" He asked.

Judge Yusho nodded her head and told him to proceed on.

"Will the clerk swear in the jury?" Yusho ask.

"Will the jury please stand up and raise your right hand?" He begun. Waiting for everyone to stand he cleared his throat and continued.

"Do each of you swear that you have fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of this court, so help you, God? If so please say I do like you about to get married."

Everyone said I do and was told to be seated again.

"Have you all prepared your opening statement?" Yusho asked.

Both sides nodded and was told to proceed.

"Mr. Kane?" Yusho asked.


"You are representing yourself right?" She asked him.

Mike nodded making Liz whince. She was scared now because he have never lost a case where he was representing himself.

"Bullshit." Liz said causing people to look her way.

"Mrs. Kane that is your second outburst one more time we will have you removed from the court and charged with interruption of the court during process. Do you understand?" She asked.

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