the disposal

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'Sitting on top of my husbandnaked body , I felt the cold liquid dripping from underneath my legs.The only difference was , I was fully clothed and the liquid wasn'tflowing out of me , it was coming from my husband going cold body.

I watch as blood flowed from hisman hood. His eyes widen with shock and his hand loosely gripped mywaist. He did something that I couldn't see my self looking back at.He did something anyone would stab him in his private area for. Hetouch my daughter, our daughter.

I knew the pain she felt, I sawit in her eyes. I thought the bed wetten was just regular for atwelve year old girl. Thought she was just going through depressionas I heard her silent cries in the night. I should have known better.But what woman would think her own husband , would touch their child.

This man was her hero , ourhero. The same man who cut her umbilical card was the same man whoeight inch penis laid on the floor lifeless. Watching the long tracesof tears fall down his eyes , I almost gave a damn. But he didn't. Heignored all the "daddy no" pleads. Ignoring her cries and myunknown cries of his trust. He broke my trust, and destroyed herfuture trust.

"Na'Tasha." he gasp loudly.

"Jordan." I whimper back ina childlike voice.

Getting off of him I drop theknife right beside his penis as if I could cause the lifeless thingany more harm.

Taking off my robe I stood nakedbefore him. My boobs stood at attention from all the action that wastaken place. My matted weave touch my nipples and my fat ass stood inplace. "You got a grown ass woman standing in front of you. Afucking beautful black queen. But you choice a little ass girl. Atwleve year old at that. What ? You must have wanted that virginaffect. again Was i'm not good enough for you. Did your daughterwatered more than mines, or was it because you could deflower her?"I yelled at him.


His eyes fluttered for a goodten seconds then it was close shut. "You bet not die on my ass."I scream running to go to the bed.

I wanted him to suffer a slowand painful death. But yet he was a sorry excuse of a man. He wasgoing out like the bitch he grown to be. I didn't know where it allstarted , could have been when we met , me getting pregnant , himlosing his job or him losing his damn mind.

There was no sounds left fromhim. The only sound I could hear in distant was the sound of sirens.The ambulance and the police. One was for him and one was for me.Like I said before the only difference was one was on time and onewas too late.

Closing my eyes I grab the knifeand grab my red satin robe. Placing my back against the wall I bowedmy head. Prayers were for my child and prayers were for me. My father, I needed forgiveness. For what I have committed and for breakingthe commandment.

I could hear my front doorgetting bust in and the sound of heavy boots coming my way. Insteadof asking questions they gave me my rights and hand cuff me.

Walking outside facing all myneighbors in handcuffs , I smiled. After everything I went throughwith Jordan his ass still thought he was going to get the last laugh.Jokes on him I did , so I thought.

Listen up , I gave yall the lastpart first , now listen to how it all started. Learn my disposal.

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