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^ Thank You ViVi418  For The Wonderful Photo Cover Thing <3

     "Real Or Not Real? You stuck up for that nerd because she's your secret girlfriend" I light a joint. Breathing it in, blowing out as I pass it to the boy with the dark hair, leaning against the wall while looking at the floor.

"What?" He looks at me, a confused expression on his face.

"Come on, just answer the question. It's a game, and each player has to play, or they'll be punished. You also get punished for lying." I inform him.

"Yeah? Well, how will you know if I'm lying?" He raises an eyebrow, putting the joint to his lips.

"I'll find out sooner or later, if you do. I always find out. You know it."  

"This is stupid." He groans.

"Just play. Unless you got anything better to do, like getting to class..."

"Not Real. She's not my girlfriend" he huffs, then puts the joint in between his lips once again, then passing it back to me.

"Real, you stuck up for her. Not real, she's your secret girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yeah" He sighs.

"Hm... Didn't know the bad boy cared for nerds" I lean against the brick wall

" And I didn't know the rebel cared for anything" he smirks

"I don't" I blow out, putting out the joint.

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