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 The thought of Adam just makes me get butterflies. I'm excited to see him after school today.

"Hello? Earth to Carter!" Heather waves her hand in front of my face.


"You just started smiling out of nowhere when I was talking about how my cat ate a dead rat."

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking of something" I give a small laugh

"Or someone?" Heather teases

"It's nothing" I chuckle.

Heather gives me a ride to the mall since it's on the way to her house.

I go into the food court, I sit down and look around for Adam.

There he is.

I get up and walk towards him, giving him a hug.

"Hey" he smiles

We sit down at the table we talk for a while getting to know one another.

"Hey, you wanna go someplace quieter?" He asks

"Sure" I shrug

We walk to his car, he opens the passenger's door for me. As he's driving I notice we're in the direction heading to none other than, Brooklyn High.

"School?" I ask

He doesn't answer. We get out of the car  and I follow him to where ever he's taking me.

We're at the football field?

I follow him up to the very top of the bleachers and he sits down.

I can see where I burned EHS on the ground, grass is slowly covering it up

"It's peaceful here, I like to think up here" he smiles.

After minutes of silence. I realize that Adam was staring at me. I turn my head to look at him and he gives me a small smile. He leans in and kisses me. At first I'm in shock, but I kiss back. I don't really want to go far with him yet, so I pull away.

"Your face is red" Adam smiles

"Oh" I can feel my face getting warmer, I must look like a tomato.

He gives a small laugh. "Come on, I'll take you home"

The car ride home was silent. The only sounds were the radio and the car. It wasn't like one of those awkward silences where there's a lot of tension. I kind of wish this could last forever. I felt at peace.

"Thanks, today was nice" I smile

He pulls me in for a kiss, yet, he doesn't kiss me, instead, he looks at my lips and whispers "I'll see you later" he then smirks and walks to his car.

A damn tease.

I walk inside, Delilah and Malarie are on the couch watching a movie and Lucas is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey are you okay?" Delilah asks, look at me weirdly.

I nod, a smile plastered on my face.

I walk upstairs, I hear Delilah say "I wonder what's up with her"

I wonder too.

 The next morning, I walk into school with people glaring at me and whispering, just like about a month ago.

Who did I sleep with now?

I make my way to my locker and my sister instantly runs up to me.

"Are you serious Carter? This better be a fucking joke!" My sister walks up to me holding a photo, I didn't really get a chance to see.

"Well maybe I can explain if you guys tell me what's happening"

"You kissed Adam Miller! That's what!" My sister holds up the photo once again, only for longer. It's a picture of Adam and I on the bleachers from yesterday.

"So what?" I ask

"You know he goes to our school's rivalry school! Everyone here hates him! He did that cricket prank remember!"

Why is everyone so damn dramatic about this? It not actually that big of a deal.

"I like who I like and you can't stop me from seeing him" I close my locker

"This doesn't just effect you! This effects me too!" Delilah rips the photo.

There's probably like a thousand more copies spread throughout the school.

"Oh please tell me this isn't true and it's just photoshopped!" She whines.

"It's true, and it's not photoshopped" I walk away from having moving into Ashton

"Are you fucking crazy?" He asks

"Sure" I shrug

"Do you know how much I hate that dude!"

"That isn't my concern, and I would really appreciate if everyone would stop criticizing the people in my love life!" I yell so everyone could hear

The rest of the day I still got some glares but it calmed down a bit. After school, when I walk out of the doors I see Adam waiting for me.

"Hey" he smiles


"So, is everyone making a fit at your school too?" He asks

"Yeah" I sigh.

"Well good, let them get angry" he smirks

He pulls me in for a kiss, and this time he actually kisses me. He pulls away.

"Come on, let's get something to eat" he puts his arms around me and we walk to his car, receiving glares from students.

After we got something to eat, we go to my house. Delilah's at work and Lucas is still nowhere to be found.

I close my door and Adam automatically kisses me, we make our way to my bed, he lays me down so he's on top of me for a period of time, we just make out.

One of his hands slide down to the rim of my jeans, I push his hand away, not ready for the next step.

He tries again minutes after, but I push his hand away again, he pulls away and he sits up.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just..." I pause, trying to make up my mind on if I want to tell him I'm a virgin or not, "It's just I haven't actually had sex before." I can feel myself go red

"Really? So all of the rumors aren't true?" He asks

"Well. The guys I supposedly "slept" with think it's true"

He looks at me in confusion.

"Usually when I "hook up" with someone it's at a party, where everyone's drunk, I'm usually slightly sober so I know what I'm doing. I take the guy up to a room, and we drink a little more, though he's too drunk to notice I didn't drink anything. He passes out, and I leave"

"You can't tell anyone okay?" I make him promise

"I promise" 

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