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I woke up not in the mood today, mostly because I barely was able to sleep last night because I was studying for a test I have in one of my classes.

"Hey Carter..." Ashton walks up to me

"What do you want?" I slam my locker

"Geez, who stuck a cactus up your ass?" He mumbles

"I'm not in the mood" I yawn

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you, for not telling everyone" he gives a small smile

"Yeah... Whatever, leave" I walk away. I hear him mumble, "Seriously how big is that cactus" as I'm walking a flip him off without looking back.

Later in the day, I start to wake up a bit more, probably because of the nap in took in first core and half of second core. I feel a bit better now.

   While I walk to the cafeteria I hear behind me "Still got that cactus up your ass?"

I turn to see Ashton and his friends snickering.

"Still got that tiny dick?" I wink at him.

Ashton's friends stifle a laugh, while Ashton stares daggers at me.

I walk to my table where Heather is sitting. Ashton and his friends are walking past us. Hey Brian" Heather smiles. He smiles at her and continues to walk with his friends

"Ask him out" I take a sip of her drink.

"What? No" She shakes her head.

"Fine then. I will" I get up and walk to their table.

"You just couldn't stay away from me, could you?" Ashton smirks

"Ha very funny. No, I'm here for Brian" I smile, "Brian you're taking Heather out on a date tonight. Six pm at the movies, watching whatever. Got it? Good. Don't be late." I walk back to my table, I'll send you her address.

"See that wasn't so bad" I sit down.

"Why am I friends with you?" She asks herself, her face becoming red in embarrassment.

"Because I just got you a date with Brian" I say in a duh tone.

"But what if I mess up?" She asks

"Heather, you've been on tons of dates, it's just another one, but this time it's with a guy you actually like."

"Yeah but those dates ended with sex, they only wanted me for my body. Maybe he does too" she worries

"Well, you did fall for a fuckboy."

  After school, Heather and I go to her house while she gets herself ready, I just watch and give her words of encouragement while eating all her snacks.

The fact that I can score my sister and Heather a date. I should become Cupid or something. Or paid at the least.

The door bell rings, I answer it, I see Brian with a smile.

"She'll be down soon" I realize I still have the empty bag of chips in my hand.

"Bye Heather!" I yell before leaving the house, I hand Brian the empty chip bag and walk home.

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